knee-injuries Clinical Trials
A listing of knee-injuries medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 146 clinical trials
AIR (Artificial Implant to Restore the Medial Meniscus Function)2 Clinical Investigation
The AIR2 Study is a multi-center, prospective, interventional clinical trial with the objective to evaluate the safety and performance of the Trammpolin® medial meniscus prosthesis.
An Automatically Adjusting Prosthetic Socket for People With Transtibial Amputation
People with leg amputations often experience daily changes in the size (volume) of their residual limb. These daily changes can cause a prosthesis to fit poorly. They can also cause limb problems like pain or skin breakdown. Prosthetic socket systems that accommodate limb volume changes can help address these issues, …
STaR Trial: Multiple Ligament Knee Injuries
The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of timing of surgery (early vs. delayed) and timing of post-operative rehabilitation (early vs. delayed) for the treatment of military personnel and civilians that sustain a multiple ligament knee injury. To achieve this overall objective of this project, we will conduct …
ACL Reconstruction With/Without ALL Reconstruction
This study will compare Anterior Cruciate Reconstruction with or without Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction in patients with ACL injury. The purpose of this study is evaluate if addition of ALLr to ACLr provides better clinical, radiological and laboratory outcomes.
The Pediatric ALL Evaluation and Trial
The overall aim of this multicenter RCT is to determine whether concomitant ALL reconstruction in children undergoing and ACL reconstruction will longitudinally result in a lower rate of graft failure than ACL reconstruction alone.
Making Football Safer for Women: Implementing an Injury Prevention Program
The aim of this study is to determine how we can best support coaches to implement an injury prevention (IP) program (Prep-to-Play) in female community Australian Football. We will recruit at least 140 female community football teams from 15 different football leagues in Victoria, Australia. Teams will be competing in …
Preventing Injured Knees From osteoArthritis: Severity Outcomes
This study is being done to find out if metformin is effective at reducing pain by delaying the onset of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. This research study will compare metformin to placebo. The placebo tablet looks exactly like metformin, but contains no metformin. Placebos are …
The Efficiency and Safety of PRP Treatment After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the main stabilizer of the knee joint, as it controls anteroposterior and rotatory knee laxity. The number of ACL injuries has increased in the past three decades because more and more people participate in recreational and competitive sporting activities. Injury to the ACL often …
Maximizing Patient Goal Attainment
To evaluate the effectiveness of the goal development intervention in guiding individual patients through the identification of high quality, specific, measurable, relevant and time-bound goal for treatment.
Gait Rehabilitation to Treat FastOA
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of real-time gait biofeedback delivered over a 6-week period on early markers of FastOA and conduct 6-week and 6-month follow-up assessments in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed patients.