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antiphospholipid-syndrome Clinical Trials

A listing of antiphospholipid-syndrome medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 28 clinical trials
S Savino Sciascia, MD;PhD

The BeLimumab Antiphospholipid Syndrome Trial (BLAST)

AIM: The primary objective of the BeLimumab Antiphospholipid Syndrome Trial (BLAST) is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of belimumab for up to 24 months in patients with persistent aPL positivity and clinical features attributable to aPL that are resistant to warfarin and/or heparin.

18 - 70 years of age Both Phase 2/3
H Huji Xu, Doctor

Anti-CD19-CD3E-CAR-T Cells in Relapsed/Refractory Autoimmune Disease

This is an investigator-initiated trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of anti-CD19-CD3E-CAR-T cells in the relapse or refractory autoimmune diseases.

18 - 65 years of age Both Phase N/A
S Shuo Chen, MD

Safety and Efficacy of Zanubrutinib in the Treatment of Antiphospholipid Syndrome With Secondary Thrombocytopenia

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of zanubrutinib in the treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome with secondary thrombocytopenia in 10 patients.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 2
V Valéry SALLE, MD

Evaluation of Cell Membrane Expression of Annexin A2 on Monocytes by Flow Cytometry in Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Annexin A2 (ANXA2), an endothelial cell receptor for plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator, plays a pivotal role in regulation of fibrinolysis in vitro and in vivo and has been identified as a new autoantigen in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). ANXA2 can exist as a monomer or a heterotetrameric complex with S100A10 …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

Effect of Telitacicept on Antibody Titers in Primary APS Patients

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the regulatory effect of Telitacicept on antibody titers in primary antiphospholipid syndrome patients carrying high-risk antiphospholipid antibody profiles.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 2
Y Yunfei Chen, MD

Anti-CD38 Antibody Treating APS With Thrombocytopenia

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of anti-CD38 antibody in the treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome with secondary thrombocytopenia in patients who have not responded adequately or relapsed after first-line treatment and at least one second-line therapy including rituximab and/or TPO-RA.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 2
A Arsene Mekinian, MD

HYDROxychloroquine in Syndrome Primary AntiPhospholipid

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is defined by thrombosis or obstetric complication (≥ 3 spontaneous miscarriages or fetal death or prematurity <34 weeks gestation-related amenorrhea (SA)) associated with antiphospholipid antibodies. The rate of term pregnancies has been improved by conventional treatment (aspirin 100 mg / day with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) …

18 - 48 years of age Female Phase 2
K Kristin Byrne

Daratumumab in Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome

The purpose of this study is to see if the study medication, daratumumab, is safe to treat individuals with Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (APS). Three daratumumab dosing cohorts are planned with up to six participants in each dosing cohort with the potential to enroll an additional 4 subjects in the highest safe …

18 - 65 years of age Both Phase 1/2

Comparison of Clopidogrel-based Antiplatelet Therapy Versus Warfarin as Secondary Prevention Strategy for AntiPhospholipid Syndrome-related STROKE

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) has a close association with ischemic stroke; however, the optimal treatment strategy for APS-related stroke has yet to be established. The clinical guidelines suggest using warfarin for APS-related stroke, but these suggestions are largely based on retrospective studies from the 1990s and expert opinion, rather than high-quality …

19 - 100 years of age Both Phase 4
M Mohamed I Eid, Dr

Use of Warfarin After the First Trimester in Pregnant Women With APS

Evaluation of shifting to oral vitamin K antagonist after the first trimester instead of using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) throughout pregnancy in pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

20 - 38 years of age Female Phase 4

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