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all-solid-tumors Clinical Trials

A listing of all-solid-tumors medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 5 clinical trials

Safety and Efficacy of Ponatinib for Treatment of Pediatric Recurrent or Refractory Leukemias, Lymphomas or Solid Tumors

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of ponatinib in children aged 1 to < 18 years with advanced leukemias, lymphomas, and solid tumors.

1 - 17 years of age Both Phase 1/2
N Nikko Grubb

Phase 1a/1b Study of Aplitabart (IGM-8444) Alone or in Combination in Participants With Relapsed, Refractory, or Newly Diagnosed Cancers

This study is a first-in-human, Phase 1a/1b, multicenter, open-label study to determine the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of aplitabart as a single agent and in combination in participants with relapsed and/or refractory solid or hematologic cancers, as well as newly diagnosed cancers, and an open-label, randomized study of aplitabart+FOLFIRI+bevacizumab.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 1
S Site Public Contact

Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Who Have Participated in Children's Oncology Group Studies

This clinical trial keeps track of and collects follow-up information from patients who are currently enrolled on or have participated in a Children's Oncology Group study. Developing a way to keep track of patients who have participated in Children's Oncology Group studies may allow doctors learn more about the long-term …

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
C Cancer Clinical Trials Team

Collecting Blood Samples from Patients with and Without Cancer to Evaluate Tests for Early Cancer Detection

This study collects blood and tissue samples from patients with cancer and without cancer to evaluate tests for early cancer detection. Collecting and storing samples of blood and tissue from patients with and without cancer to study in the laboratory may help researchers develop tests for the early detection of …

40 - 75 years of age Both Phase N/A
M Melissa Hines, MD

Characterizing Sleep Among Long-term Survivors of Childhood Cancer

The patients are being asked to take part in this clinical trial because they received cancer treatment as a child at St. Jude. The study comprehensively examines sleep among three distinct diagnostic groups of survivors in the SJLIFE cohort: ALL, CNS tumors, and non-CNS solid tumors. Primary Objective The primary …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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