Comparison of preparation times (in seconds) for emergency airway management (equipment only) with and without a template.
Comparison of time (in seconds) needed to prepare all necessary equipment for one form of emergency airway management with and without a template. Participants will be randomized to "preparation with template (A)" and "preparation without template (B)" and all participants will be measured twice for both arms A and B, however, evaluation will take place on two separate days. Methods of airway management evaluated will be endotracheal intubation, supraglottic airway device and oral fiberoptic intubation, with a total of three measurements per participant per study day and two study days per participant. Participants will be nurses in the intensive care unit and, as a control group, anesthesia nurses will also be evaluated in order to factor in the effects of experience. The study will take place in the usual work environment of participants and with the standard equipment.
Inclusion Criteria:
- age 18 years and older
- written informed consent
- Qualification as a nurse (ICU or anesthesia)
- employed with University Medical Centre of Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz
Exclusion Criteria:
- none