The main purpose of this study is to assess the effect of itraconazole on the pharmacokinetic (PK) of baxdrostat.
This study will be an open-label, 3-period fixed sequence study conducted at a single Clinical Unit.
The study will comprise of:
- A Screening Period of maximum 28 days
- Period 1: Period 1 will start from Day -1 to Day 6 (followed by pharmacokinetic (PK) sampling of baxdrostat). Baxdrostat administration on Day 1 to Day 6
- Period 2: Period 2 will start from Day 6 (after the last PK sample in period 1) to Day 8. Itraconazole administration on Days 6 to 8 (twice a day [BID] on Day 6 and once daily [QD] on Days 7 and 8)
- Period 3: Period 3 will start from Day 9 to Day 17. Baxdrostat administration on Day 9 and itraconazole administration on Days 9 to 16 QD
- A Final Follow-up Visit at 7 to 14 days after the last baxdrostat PK sample in Period 3
All participants will receive 2 single doses of baxdrostat and 12 doses of itraconazole, under fed conditions.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Healthy male and/or female participants of non-childbearing potential aged 18 to 55 years with suitable veins for cannulation or repeated venipuncture.
- All female participants must have a negative pregnancy test at the Screening Visit and on admission to the Clinical Unit (Study Day -1).
- Have a body mass index between 18 and 32 kilograms per meter square (kg/m2) inclusive and weigh greater than or equal to (>=) 50 kilograms (kg) and less than or equal to <=) 120 kg.
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of any clinically important disease or disorder which, in the opinion of the principal investigator (PI), may either put the participant at risk because of participation in the study, or influence the results or the participant's ability to participate in the study.
- History or presence of gastrointestinal, hepatic, or renal disease or any other condition known to interfere with absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion of drugs.
- History of drug-related hepatic toxicity.
- Any clinically important illness, medical/surgical procedure, or trauma within 4 weeks of the first administration of study intervention.
- History of any treatment with QT prolongation drugs.
- History of severe allergy/hypersensitivity or ongoing clinically important allergy/hypersensitivity, as judged by the PI or history of hypersensitivity to drugs with a similar chemical structure or class to baxdrostat or itraconazole.
- Participants who have previously received baxdrostat.