Observational study on the quality of life and pathological state of patients underwent radical cystectomy.
Each patient will be followed for approximately 10 years starting from the date of surgery. The patient may be contacted for yearly follow-up through one of the preferred methods indicated (phone call, email or home address) which will be carried out by the staff of the Urology Department. The data for each patient will then be transferred to the database itself. The data collected will be handled following the most strict GCPs and privacy norms.
The data entered will concern:
- period before hospitalization (symptoms, clinical data) and completion of a pre-surgery questionnaire
- hospitalization period with all its related data
- questionnaires relating to quality of life which will be administered to the patient once a year according to the preferred method expressed by the patient in the informed consent.
Inclusion Criteria:
- subjects underwent radical cystectomy
- > 18 years old
- Ability to read and sign the informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Age <18 years
- Inability to read and sign the informed consent