Alcohol and/or drug abuse problems (ADAPs) have been consistently identified in the scientific literature as a risk factor of intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW). Around 50% of IPVAW offenders referred to batterer intervention programs (BIPs) have ADAPs. ADAPs are also one of the main predictors of BIPs dropout. In Spain, the majority of BIPs do not fit the intervention to specific needs or characteristics of IPVAW offenders, such as those with ADAPs. The aim of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a new motivational strategy adapted to IPVAW offenders with ADAPs, aiming to increase treatment adherence and to improve BIPs outcomes. The motivational strategy will include an individualized motivational plan (IMP) developed for each participant with ADAPs (IMP-ADAPs). In these IMPs one of the main aims will be to reduce alcohol and/or drug consumption. The current study will use a randomized control trial. Participants with ADAPs will be allocated to one of two treatment conditions: experimental condition: Standard batterer intervention program (SBIP) plus individualized motivational plan focused in ADAPs (SBIP+ ADAPs-IMP), and control condition: Standard batterer intervention program plus individualized motivational plan (SBIP+IMP). Primary/final outcomes will be recidivism and ADAPs reduction. Secondary/proximal outcomes will include treatment adherence related variables, violence related attitudes and attributions, self-control and psychological adjustment. Outcome variables will be assessed at baseline, at the end of the intervention, and at six months after the intervention will be finished.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Males convicted of IPV against their partner or ex-partner
- Alcohol and/or drugs abuse problems
Exclusion Criteria:
- No current severe psychological disorders