This is a prospective analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in a real-world setting. The aim of the project is to establish a clinical platform to collect representative data on molecular testing, sequence of systemic tumor therapy and other therapies, and disease progression of patients with lung cancer. A special focus will be on molecular biomarker testing and reflex NGS testing. Another aim of the registry is the collection of quality indicators in lung cancer care. The results of the register will be used to describe the current state of care and to develop it further for the future.
The identification of driver-mutations, whose gene product can be specifically inhibited by targeted therapies, has markedly changed the diagnostic and therapeutic landscape for this tumor entity, leading to improved outcomes for patients with metastatic NSCLC.
The use of next generation sequencing (NGS) allows for detection of a multitude of different druggable mutations. In absence of a curative treatment approach and a druggable mutation the prognosis of lung cancer remains poor.
Thorough knowledge of the treatment reality, e.g. characteristics, diagnostic, treatment and outcome of unselected patients in real-Iife practice, is crucial to evaluate and improve the quality of care for patients with lung cancer.
The purpose of this project is to set up a clinical platform to document representative data on molecular testing, sequence of systemic treatment and other treatment modalities, and course of disease in patients with lung cancer. A particular focus is on molecular biomarker testing and NGS of patients before the start of first-line treatment. The data shall be used to assess the current state of care and to develop recommendations concerning topics that can be improved.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Informed consent
- Histologically confirmed lung cancer
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Able to understand and willing to sign written Informed Consent and to complete patient-reported-outcome assessment instruments
Exclusion Criteria: