The proposed study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that aims to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms for youths in Hong Kong. It is to be carried out with 120 youths aged 12 - 24 recruited from a series of community-based LevelMind@JC hubs, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. It is designed to improve the youths' abilities/ skills in handling moods to have better emotional management. A written informed consent will be signed by participants. Researchers will perform cognitive behavioural therapy on youths who agree to join the study.
Inclusion Criteria:
- LevelMind@JC users with mild to moderate distress level (n=120);
- have sufficient proficiency in Chinese to understand verbal instructions and give informed consent;
Exclusion Criteria:
- known diagnosis of intellectual disability
- organic brain disorder
- photosensitive epilepsy
- significant visual, auditory or balance impairment
- current or previous use of illicit drugs
- known psychiatric diagnosis (stabilized diagnosis and treatment)
- receiving any psychosocial treatment for social withdrawal such as CBT or;
- current or active suicidal ideation or attempts.