This study evaluates the association between testosterone levels and risk of dementia and adverse mental health outcomes (e.g. depression and anxiety). It is not known whether low testosterone levels may be associated with an increased risk of dementia. Learning about the association between testosterone levels and risk of dementia may help determine the long-term effects of androgen deprivation therapy and may help improve quality of life.
I. To use a Mendelian randomization study design to determine whether genetically predicted decreased testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of dementia.
I. To examine whether genetically predicted decreased testosterone levels are associated with worse cognitive function and adverse mental health outcomes.
Patients' records from institutional or national biobanks are reviewed.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Have volunteered to participate in institutional or national biobanks, mainly the UK Biobank and the Kaiser Permanente Research Bank, and those that have previously participated in studies that resulted in de-identified clinical and genetic data being make available on public archives, mainly the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)
- No special populations (adults unable to consent, individuals not yet adults, pregnant women, or prisoners)