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Norrkoping, Sweden Clinical Trials

A listing of Norrkoping, Sweden clinical trials actively recruiting patients volunteers.

Found 15 clinical trials

Ixekizumab Diabetes Intervention Trial (I-DIT)

Although the clinical onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is acute, the progression of T1D occurs over many years often in a patchy manner with inflammation in certain lobes of the pancreas, leaving other lobes unaffected and long-lasting beta cells remain functional decades after diagnosis. Psoriasis share several aspects with …

18 - 35 years of age Both Phase 2
P Preben Kjölhede, Professor

Hysterectomy - A Regional Intervention Study

Approximately 4,000 procedures with hysterectomy for benign indication are performed annually in Sweden. There are large differences in preoperative information, planning of surgery and surgical technique. A structured approach including the use of mobile phone technology can possibly improve patient information and patient involvement. Our purpose is to to evaluate …

18 - 55 years of age Female Phase N/A
H Hanna I Larsen, PhD

A Structured Framework for Assessment of Rehabilitation and Sicklisting in Primary Care - a Multicenter Study

In a controlled pragmatic multicenter primary care study, centers working according to a newly constructed structured framework for assessment of rehabilitation and sicklisting (STARS) will be investigated. Nine intervention centers working according to STARS will be compared to matched control centers not working according to STARS. The design of this …

18 - 65 years of age Both Phase N/A
L Ludvig Rinde

Stroke Prophylaxis With Apixaban in Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of apixaban as stroke prophylaxis in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5 and atrial fibrillation (AF) with or without dialysis treatment. The study hypothesis is that compared to no anticoagulation, apixaban reduces the incidence of ischemic stroke without causing an unacceptable …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 3

Spironolactone Initiation Registry Randomized Interventional Trial in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) is common and deadly but without therapy. Inconclusive studies such as TOPCAT (Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure With an Aldosterone Antagonist) suggest spironolactone may be effective in HFPEF, but it is generic and will not be studied by industry. SPIRRIT is …

50 - 99 years of age Both Phase 3
M Maaike Verstraaten, MD

HELicobacter Pylori Screening to Prevent Gastrointestinal Bleeding in MI Patients

Background: Potent antithrombotic therapy has improved prognosis for patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) significantly, however, at a price of increased bleeding risk. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection commonly causes upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB). If systematic screening for H. pylori and subsequent eradication therapy significantly reduces the risk of UGIB …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
R Robert Svensson, MD

Fluid Challenge and Plasma Volume, During Surgery

A short bolus infusion of fluid, called "fluid challenge" is commonly recommended for fluid treatment during longer surgery. However a prolonged increase of the blood volume is a prerequisite to recommend the technique. The purpose with the study is to examine the plasma expanding effect of three different fluid challenge …

18 - 80 years of age Both Phase 4
P Peder af Geijerstam, MD

Licorice and Home Blood Pressure, Additional Study

Out-of-office blood pressure is more strongly associated with cardiovascular risk than office blood pressure. Licorice is known to raise blood pressure, but no previous studies have measured the effects on home blood pressure. The aim of this study is to analyze the association between licorice intake and home blood pressure.

18 - 31 years of age Both Phase N/A
P Peter Johansson, Professor

Evaluation of a Personcentered Internet-based CBT Program for Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

To evaluate a nine-week adaptable and person-centred I-CBT program that can be directed towards stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms in persons with CVD.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
A Anita Kärner Köhler, Ass. prof

Fear of MOVEment After MI and AF - InterneT Patient Education

The overall aim with the project is to evaluate if a digital patient group-education can reduce kinesiophobia and promote physical activity in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and/or atrial fibrillation (AF) Research questions Can a digital patient group-education reduce kinesiophobia and promote PA in patients with MI and/or AF? Is …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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