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Penaranda de Bracamonte, Spain Clinical Trials

A listing of Penaranda de Bracamonte, Spain clinical trials actively recruiting patients volunteers.

Found 31 clinical trials

A Trial of GH001 in Patients With Treatment-resistant Depression

The aim of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b clinical trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of GH001 (containing mebufotenin [5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine; 5-MeO-DMT]) in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). The study is comprised of a 7-day double-blind (DB) part (Part 1) and a 6-month open-label extension (OLE) part (Part …

18 - 64 years of age Both Phase 2
R Ruth Ladenstein, MD, MBA, cPM

High Risk Neuroblastoma Study 1.8 of SIOP-Europe (SIOPEN)

This is a randomized study of the European SIOP Neuroblastoma Group (SIOPEN) in high-risk neuroblastoma (stages 2, 3, 4 and 4s MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma, stage 4 MYCN non amplified > 12 months at diagnosis). The protocol consists of a rapid, dose intensive induction chemotherapy, peripheral blood stem cell harvest, attempted complete …

1 - 21 years of age Both Phase 3
S Sonia Prashar

BPL-003 Efficacy and Safety in Treatment Resistant Depression

This is a Phase 2 study randomized, quadruple masked, multi-center study designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of a single dose of BPL-003 combined with psychological support in patients with treatment resistant depression (TRD).

18 - 75 years of age Both Phase 2

A Study for Subjects With Prostate Cancer Who Previously Participated in an Enzalutamide Clinical Study

The purpose of this study is to collect long term safety data in subjects who are continuing to derive clinical benefit from treatment with Enzalutamide from the subjects participation in an enzalutamide clinical study sponsored by Astellas or Medivation (i.e., parent study) which has completed, at a minimum, the primary …

18 - 100 years of age Male Phase 2
C Chadi Zakaria

A Phase 3 Study of Pacritinib in Patients With Primary Myelofibrosis, Post Polycythemia Vera Myelofibrosis, or Post-Essential Thrombocythemia Myelofibrosis

This study (study ID PAC203 North America; PAC303 ex-North America) is evaluating 200 mg BID of pacritinib compared to physician's choice (P/C) therapy in patients with MF and severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count <50,000/μL). Approximately 399 patients in total will be enrolled, randomized 2:1 to either pacritinib (approximately 266 patients) or …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 3

A Study of Tirbanibulin Ointment and Diclofenac Sodium Gel for the Treatment of Adult Participants With Actinic Keratosis on the Face or Scalp

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the incidence of biopsy confirmed invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the selected treatment field (TF) after administration of topical tirbanibulin 10 milligram (mg)/gram (g) ointment or diclofenac sodium 3 percent (%) gel over the 3-year study period.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase 4

A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Biomarker Effects of RO7269162 in Participants at Risk for or at the Prodromal Stage of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

This clinical trial is recruiting people who either are at risk of AD - have build-up of beta-amyloid, but have no clinical symptoms, or with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. People can take part if they have a certain level of plaques (beta-amyloid) in the brain, shown by a …

60 - 85 years of age Both Phase 2
J José Ignacio Recio Rodriguez, PhD

Determinants of Sleep Quality in Spanish Population (SSQD Study)

Introduction: Sleep disorders are a growing concern for public health, being related, among others, to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases or poorer cognitive functioning. In addition, these might have a possible impact on aspects related to personal motivation and quality of life. However, few studies have analyzed the possible …

25 - 65 years of age Both Phase N/A

Product Surveillance Registry

The purpose of the Registry is to provide continuing evaluation and periodic reporting of safety and effectiveness of Medtronic market-released products. The Registry data is intended to benefit and support interests of patients, hospitals, clinicians, regulatory bodies, payers, and industry by streamlining the clinical surveillance process and facilitating leading edge …

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

Product Performance Report: Evaluate Long-term Reliability & Performance of Medtronic Marketed Cardiac Therapy Products

The main purpose of the Product Performance Report (formerly referred to as System Longevity Study) is to evaluate long-term performance of Medtronic market-released cardiac rhythm products by analyzing product survival probabilities.

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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