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Herdecke, Germany Clinical Trials

A listing of Herdecke, Germany clinical trials actively recruiting patients volunteers.

Found 113 clinical trials
C Claudia Levenig

Risk and Protective Factors in Multimodal Pain Therapy in Patients With Chronic Lumbal Pain

Results will show important information about potential protective factors which might be relevant for the recovery of patients suffering from low back pain (theoretical basis). On a clinically applied basis we plan the validation of a short screening in concerns of psychosocial risk and protective factors in patients with chronic …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

Detection of Microplastics in Human Granulosa Cells and in the Follicular Fluid of Women Undergoing ICSI Treatment

Plastic products have been used ubiquitously in the modern world for many decades - for example as packaging materials, textile fibers or molded parts. The general use and especially the improper disposal lead to enormous environmental pollution almost everywhere on earth. Microplastics mainly originate from fragmentation of larger plastic objects …

18 - 100 years of age Female Phase N/A


This Registry represents a non-interventional systematic collection of clinical data in which prospective data from children and adults are collected as fully anonymized data sets, derived from original clinical records on appropriately informed subjects. This is a patient-outcomes Registry for subjects of any age who are provided in routine clinical …

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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