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sjogren-larsson-syndrome Clinical Trials

A listing of sjogren-larsson-syndrome medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 3 clinical trials
W William B Rizzo, MD

ADX-629 Therapy for Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome

This research study will determine whether orally administered ADX-629 is safe and has biochemical efficacy in patients with Sjögren-Larsson syndrome (SLS), a rare inherited disorder of fatty aldehyde metabolism The disease is caused by bi-allelic mutations in ALDH3A2, which results in deficient activity of fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH) and leads …

18 - 50 years of age Both Phase 1/2
O Omar Sherbini, MPH

The Myelin Disorders Biorepository Project

The Myelin Disorders Biorepository Project (MDBP) seeks to collect and analyze clinical data and biological samples from leukodystrophy patients worldwide to support ongoing and future research projects. The MDBP is one of the world's largest leukodystrophy biorepositories, having enrolled nearly 2,000 affected individuals since it was launched over a decade …

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

The Extended Salford Lung Study ("Ex-SLS") Data Access Project

The Salford Lung Study (SLS) subjects represent a group of COPD and asthma patients whose disease is extremely well-characterised over a short time period. Subjects in the SLS originally consented for information relevant to the study to be shared with the sponsor (GSK). These data were limited to three years …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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