hearing-aid Clinical Trials
A listing of hearing-aid medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 31 clinical trials
Benefits From Bimodal Fittings With Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid vs Bilateral Hearing Aids
Hearing-aid (HA) users with insufficient HA may be better helped with a "Bimodal solution" when replacing the HA with a Cochlear implant (CI) to the poorer hearing ear and a HA to the better hearing ear. This randomised controlled trial can show the benefit in terms of better speech perception …
Investigations of Ear Tip Performance, Perceptions, and Experiences
Normal hearing participants will be fit with a hearing aid and different types of customized earmolds. Hearing aids will be programmed to a simulated mild, flat, sensorineural hearing loss of 30 dB HL from 250-8000Hz. Objective acoustic real ear measures and subjective ratings of sound quality and physical comfort will …
Comparing Hearing Aid Fitting Methods in Blast-exposed Veterans
Since 2000, at least 250,000 U.S. Service members have experienced a blast-related mild traumatic brain injury. A retrospective analysis of over 100,000 post-9/11 Veterans shows that blast injury more than doubles the risk of a diagnosed auditory problem. Many blast-exposed Veterans experience "functional hearing difficulties" (FHDs): problems in challenging listening …
Real-time Artificial Intelligence-based Speech Enhancement Methods for Hearing Aid Improvement
Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorders (ANSD) represent 1-10% of adults with hearing loss. These individuals have little or no benefit from current hearing aids because ANSD is a continuum of hearing impairments due to synaptic or neural dysfunction in the peripheral and central parts of the auditory pathways, which …
Pitch Perception and Memory: Deficits and Training
Pitch perception and memory are central in auditory cognition, in particular for sound source segregation and recognition, speech prosody and music processing. Here the investigator assess pitch perception and memory in hearing-impaired listeners wearing cochlear implant(s) and listeners with congenital amusia, both compared with control listeners. Behavioral, EEG, and MEG …
A Prospective Cohort Study On Change of Cognitive Function In Aged-related Hearing Loss With Hearing Aids
Background Deafness is one of the nine potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia simulated by the Lancet dementia Prevention, intervention and Care Committee in 2017. Some studies have found that the risk factors of dementia in deafness system, with the increase of the degree of deafness, the risk of cognitive …
Effects of Nonlinear Signal Processing Algorithms on Speech Perception
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of nonlinear signal processing algorithms on speech perception.
Effectiveness Speech and Cognitive Therapy Implant Pre-cohlear Implantation
It has been shown that in deaf people, cortical reorganisation occurs and can accelerate age-related cognitive decline. Therefore, even though a number of Cochlear Implantation Reference Centres are setting up tests to detect cognitive disorders, these remain global and not very specific to deafness. Similarly, auditory rehabilitation could make cognitive …
Audiological and Quality of Life Outcomes of Anatomy Based Fitting in Patients Implanted by Robot Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery (RACIS)
Severe to profound hearing loss affects 0,8% of the global population. For these people, a conventional hearing aid often does not provide sufficient benefit. However, these people can benefit from a cochlear implant (CI). A CI needs to be individually programmed (fitted) for each recipient. A fitting "map" is defined …
Place-based Cochlear Implant Mapping
The current standard of care approach for programming cochlear implants uses a generalized pitch-map for all patients. This approach fails to account for individualized inner ear anatomy. As a result, many cochlear implant recipients experience place-pitch mismatch. We have recently developed an automated mathematical tool to produce patient-specific, customized cochlear …