sexually-transmitted-diseases-stds Clinical Trials
A listing of sexually-transmitted-diseases-stds medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 49 clinical trials
Doxycycline Intervention for Bacterial STI ChemoprOphylaxis (DISCO)
There is a growing epidemic of the bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea worldwide; similarly concerning trends have been noted in Canada, where increases of over 160% have been seen in bacterial STIs over the last decade. In Canada, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex …
Reparixin add-on Therapy to Std Care to Limit Progression in Pts With COVID19 & Other Community Acquired Pneumonia
Primary objective: To evaluate the efficacy of oral reparixin versus standard care alone in limiting disease progression in adult patients hospitalised for infectious pneumonia acquired in the community (CAP), including COVID-19. Secondary objectives: To determine the effect of reparixin on several disease severity/progression measures including recovery, ventilatory free days and …
Game Plan: Efficacy of a Brief, Web-based Intervention on Alcohol Use and Sexually-transmitted Infections
The proposed study involves conducting a larger-scale study exploring Game Plan's effects among MSM in the real-world, alongside innovative approaches for expanding HIV testing. Using a hybrid 1 effectiveness-implementation approach, the investigators will recruit up to 360 high-risk, heavy drinking MSM online from several high-incidence areas in the US to …
A Study to Evaluate the STI-8591 in Subjects With Advanced Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
This is a first-in-human, dose-escalation and dose-expansion Phase I study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK) and efficacy of STI-8591 in subjects with advanced AML who have signed an informed consent form (ICF) and have been screened for enrollment in this study. Dose escalation phase: rapid titration and conventional …
STI/HIV Intervention Behavioral Intervention Program
The hypothesis is that a behavioral intervention tool adapted for the US military population will be acceptable and associated with a decrease in incident sexually transmitted infection (STI)/HIV rates and high-risk sexual behaviors, and increased self-reported condom use compared to the standard of care at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) …
Health Information Technology to Reduce Disparities in Adolescent Health Outcomes: A Pragmatic Trial
We will compare differences in sexually transmitted infection (STI) detection rates between sexual health survey (SHS)-derived electronic clinical decision support (CDS) versus usual care (e.g. no provision of CDS) using an interrupted time series design. We hypothesize that population-based STI detection rates will be higher when SHS-derived electronic CDS is …
Thetha Nami Ngithethe Nawe ("Let's Talk"): Step Wedge cRCT of Peer Led Community PrEP and SRH for Youth in South Africa
Study Hypothesis: Social mobilisation will attract and engage young people into decentralised sexual reproductive health (SRH) services where HIV prevention is tailored to need. Decentralised risk informed (differentiated) biosocial HIV prevention will reduce the overall prevalence of sexually transmissible HIV amongst young people aged 15-30. Study aims: Measure the impact …
Point-of-care Tests for Vaginal Discharge in Nepal
The goal of this clinical trial is to examine if and how the implementation of point-of care-tests (POCT) for sexually transmitted infections in the management of abnormal vaginal discharge reduces the overtreatment with antibiotics in a low income country. The setting is a university hospital in a semi-rural area in …
Evaluation of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program; Relationship Smarts+ With Lessons From Mind Matters
The goal of this randomized control trial (RCT) is to assess an innovative adolescent pregnancy prevention program among youth that are at the highest risk of adolescent pregnancy, to prevent pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS in the greater Miami area in Florida. The primary research question it …
Evaluation of Multisite Sampling to Detect C. Trachomatis or N. Gonorrheae Compared With Vaginal Sampling in Women at Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Screening for STIs in MSM is based on multisite samples: urine, anal and oral for PCR targeting C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae, M. genitalium and T. vaginalis, whereas only vaginal self-sampling is recommended in women. Recent publications and observations suggest that a substantial number of STIs are under diagnosed with the …