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communication-disorders Clinical Trials

A listing of communication-disorders medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 139 clinical trials
F Francesca Cucinotta, PhD

Eye-tracking Technology for Severe Communication Disability

The aim of this project is to develop an Augmentative and Alternative Communication intervention through the use of Eye tracker system.

3 - 17 years of age Both Phase N/A
Y Ylenia Longobardi, SLP

Speech Therapy and Functional Dysphonia After Thyroidectomy

Following a thyroidectomy, voice and swallowing alterations, which more frequently would appear to be caused by lesions of the laryngeal nerve, may occur. But, voice and swallowing changes can also occur in the absence of lesions of the inferior laryngeal nerve or the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, …

21 - 65 years of age Both Phase N/A
M Megan Figueroa, PhD

A Framework For Linking Sequential Pattern Rules in DLD: Perception in Adults

This broad aim of this clinical study is to assess the hypothesis that morphological and phonological deficits are linked by a broader deficit in sequential pattern learning. This hypothesis applies to learning in general, but is especially critical as an avenue for developing earlier assessments and more powerful interventions for …

18 - 30 years of age Both Phase N/A
L Li Chen, MD

Clinical Evaluation and Intervention of Developmental Behavioral Diseases Based on Multicenter Cohort Study(CEIDBDBMCS)

Diagnosis of Language Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is difficult for several reasons. This study aims to establish a Chinese multi-center cohort for the early diagnosis of language disorder and ADHD in children, develop appropriate early assessment tools and formulate intervention programs and standards for early functional training. …

1 - 6 years of age Both Phase N/A

Project Talk Trial: Engaging Underserved Communities in End-of-life Conversations

Compared to the general population, individuals from underserved communities are more likely to receive low quality end-of-life care and unwanted, costly and burdensome treatments due in part to a lack of advance care planning (ACP; the process of discussing wishes for end-of-life care with loved ones/clinicians and documenting them in …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
H Haley Sivilich

Multicenter HomeVENT: Home Values and Experiences Navigation Track

This is a multicenter study to test a decision-making support process for families and clinicians facing decisions about chronic home ventilation for a child. The investigators hypothesize that the intervention will increase family preparedness for decision-making and will improve clinician-family shared-decision making. Half of families will be assigned to "usual …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
E Erin Kross, MD

Promoting Goals-of-Care Discussions for Patients With Memory Problems and Their Caregivers

The goal of this clinical trial is to improve communication among clinicians, patients with memory problems, and their family members. We are testing a way to help clinicians have better conversations to address patients' goals for their healthcare. To do this, we created a simple, short guide called the "Jumpstart …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
J Jessica A Brian, PhD, C Psych

Virtual Group Social ABCs - Multi-site Randomized Controlled Trial

The goal of this randomized control trial is to test the efficacy of the Social ABCs 6 week, group-based model using a virtual delivery platform. The Social ABCs is a caregiver-mediated early intervention program, aiming to increase child skills in directed, intentional vocalizations, and shared smiling with a primary caregiver …

12 - 42 years of age Both Phase N/A
L Li Wang, PhD

Parent-implemented Social Communication Treatment in Preschool Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

An accumulation of research evidence has pointed to parent-implemented communication treatment as effective in reducing the severity of social communication deficits in preschool children with ASD. Despite even high-quality evidence, real-world translation to clinical practice remains challenging, especially for children from lower-income families, for two reasons. First, the treatment outcome …

24 - 60 years of age Both Phase N/A
H Hoyee W Hirai, PhD

Parent-implemented Social Communication Treatment in Preschool Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

An accumulation of research evidence has pointed to parent-implemented communication treatment as effective in reducing the severity of social communication deficits in preschool children with ASD. Despite even high-quality evidence, real-world translation to clinical practice remains challenging, especially for children from lower-income families, for two reasons. First, the treatment outcome …

18 - 60 years of age Both Phase N/A

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