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depression-adolescent Clinical Trials

A listing of depression-adolescent medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 37 clinical trials
E Enoch Ng, MD

Finding a Biomarker for Acute Neuromodulation Effects in Adolescent Depression

This pilot study aims to examine the feasibility of recruiting depressed adolescents to examine changes in emotional processing and in neural responses to emotional stimuli after one session of rTMS (which is followed by an open-label phase of 4 weeks active rTMS).

14 - 21 years of age Both Phase N/A
M Michael Bloch, MD

Reducing Adolescent Suicide Risk: Safety, Efficacy, and Connectome Phenotypes of Intravenous Ketamine

The purpose of this study is to determine if intravenous ketamine reduces suicidal thinking compared to an active placebo (midazolam) in adolescents who have treatment resistant depression and a recent history of a suicide event (defined as a suicide attempt, emergency room evaluation for suicidal thinking, or a transition to …

13 - 17 years of age Both Phase 2
K Kayla Jensen, BS

Adolescent Mood During Puberty and Testosterone

Starting at puberty, female adolescents are nearly three-times more likely to develop internalizing disorders, like depression, while male adolescents are two-times more likely to develop externalizing disorders, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This divergence between the sexes during puberty suggests sex-specific pathways of risk and differential effects of sex …

11 - 14 years of age Both Phase N/A

Mindfulness-Based fMRI Neurofeedback for Depression

In the United States, adolescents experience alarmingly high rates of major depression, and gold-standard treatments are only effective for approximately half of patients. Rumination may be a promising treatment target, as it is well-characterized at the neural level and contributes to depression onset, maintenance, and recurrence as well as predicts …

13 - 18 years of age Both Phase N/A
D Doron Amsalem, MD

Reducing Stigma and Increasing Treatment Seeking Intentions Among Adolescents

Depression is a leading cause of illness and disability in teenagers. Longer duration of untreated depression (DUD) is associated with greater severity, poorer outcome, and cognitive impairment. Stigma toward people with depression has been identified as a barrier to seeking help; therefore, reducing stigma toward young people at depressive risk …

14 - 18 years of age Both Phase N/A
A Andres Martin, MD

Adolescent Depression: Video Ads on Instagram

The purposes of this study are to test among adolescent viewers the utility of different types of selfie short video-based messaging to: Reduce stigma and self-stigma related to depression, and Increase treatment-seeking intentions.

14 - 18 years of age Both Phase N/A
Z Zhou Xinyu, Doctor of Philosophy

Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Adolescent Depression (STAR-AD)

This project aims to investigate the effectiveness of existing common antidepressants and to provide new evidence for depressed children and adolescents who are not responding to their first treatment.

13 - 18 years of age Both Phase 1/2
A Ana Radovic, MD

Clinical Trial for Integrated Care to Help At Risk Teen (iCHART) Intervention

This protocol will test the effectiveness of an intervention, iCHART (integrated Care to Help At-Risk Teens) and facilitate recruitment for other studies in the larger ETUDES Center grant, which are focused on treatment development for target risk factors for suicidal behavior, specifically, sleep, anhedonia, and stress related to cybervictimization. This …

12 - 18 years of age Both Phase N/A
K Kayla Odenthal, MSW

Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (SGMY) and Online Interventions to Increase Help-seeking for Anxiety and/or Depression

the investigators will use 4 technology based tools (combinations of youtube videos, links to online resources, tiktok videos, and other media) in a study of 96 Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (SGMY) to determine the effectiveness of them in helping youth to seek out mental health help. Participants will be …

14 - 19 years of age Both Phase N/A
J Jennifer Blakeslee, PhD,MSW,BS

Intervention to Enhance Coping and Help-seeking Among Youth in Foster Care

This study will deploy a scalable secondary prevention program that leverages existing foster youth transition services to improve mental health functioning and service use before and after exiting foster care. Our short-term objective is to remotely test a group intervention called Stronger Youth Networks and Coping (SYNC) that targets cognitive …

16 - 20 years of age Both Phase N/A

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