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neck-pain Clinical Trials

A listing of neck-pain medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 109 clinical trials

Efficacy of Cervical Stabilization Exercises on Hand Grip Strength in Chronic Myofascial Neck Pain

The purpose of this study is to examine effect of cervical stabilization exercises on hand grip strength, key pinch strength, pain intensity, pain pressure threshold and hand function in chronic myofascial neck pain patients.

20 - 45 years of age Female Phase N/A
D Daniel Pabon Carrasco, PT MSc

Phrenic Nerve Infiltration in Neck Pain

Neck pain frequently present comorbidities in peridiaphragmatic organs. The innervation of these organs include the phrenic nerve. It is known that peridiaphragmatic organs trigger referred pain in the neck area. As well, previous studies have shown that visceral disorders increase sensitization in somatic tissues. This study aims to analyze the …

18 - 64 years of age Both Phase 4
E Evi Lazoura

The Comparison of Pilates With Cognitive Functional Therapy in Adults With Chronic Neck Pain

The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of Pilates compared with Cognitive Functional Therapy in adults with chronic neck pain.

18 - 64 years of age Both Phase N/A
M Mohamed GA Ali, Lecturer

Effect of Dynamic Cupping Versus Myofascial Release Therapy in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain

A Quasi-experimental study will investigate the effect of dry cupping massage versus myofascial release on patients with mechanical neck pain.

18 - 40 years of age Both Phase N/A

Medullary Stimulation for the Treatment of Refractory Neck Pain (S2M)

Number of centres planned : 1 (CHU Nantes) Design : Randomized, Prospective Planning of the study : Total duration: 34 months Recruitment period: 24 months. Follow-up time per patients : 7-10 months Expected number of cases : 12 Treatment, procedure, combination of procedures under consideration : During the study, patients …

18 - 85 years of age Both Phase N/A

Specific and Shared Mechanisms Associated With Treatment for Chronic Neck Pain

It is expected that different physical therapy treatments influence outcomes in many different ways. Each treatment is assumed to have a "specific" treatment mechanism, which explains how that specific treatment works. Different treatments also have "shared" mechanisms, which are similar across many different types of interventions (e.g., exercise, cognitive treatments …

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
A Aimee J Nelson, PhD

Augmented Reality Sensorimotor Training to Treat Chronic Neck

The goal of this research is to investigate whether 2-4 weeks of augmented reality sensorimotor training induces positive changes so as to effect pain relief in patients with chronic neck pain. In addition, this study aims to determine if repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) delivered prior to augmented reality sensorimotor …

40 - 80 years of age Both Phase N/A
V Vincent Dewitte, PhD

Preventing Neck & Back Pain in Teleworking Office Workers: a Randomized Controlled Trial

The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of a general training program and educational session to prevent neck and/or low back pain in desktop workers

18 - 69 years of age Both Phase N/A
s sinem sari, associate proffesor

The Effect of Superficial Cervical Plexus Block on Postoperative Recovery Quality and Pain in Anterior Cervical Spinal Surgery

The Effect of Superficial Cervical Plexus Block on Postoperative Recovery Quality and Pain in Anterior Cervical Spinal Surgery

18 - 75 years of age Both Phase N/A
K Kübra Bali, MSc. PT.

Mobilization With Movement Technique on the Stiffness of Cervical Muscles in Individuals With Mechanical Neck Pain

Mobilisation with movement (Mulligan Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAG)). method has been shown to have significant effects on pain, joint range of motion, and functionality in patients with neck pain. However, there is a lack of studies examining the effects of this technique on muscle stiffness associated with neck pain. …

20 - 50 years of age Both Phase N/A

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