heart-defect Clinical Trials
A listing of heart-defect medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 188 clinical trials
Genetics of Ventriculo-arterial Discordance
Number of centres planned : 16 centres in France Type of study / Study design : Research Involving the Human Person category 2. Multicentric. Prospective Planning of the study : Total duration: 22 years. Recruitment period: 24 months. Follow-up time per patients : 20 years Expected number of cases : …
Remotely Monitored and Coached Cardiac Rehabilitation Northern Sweden
Supervised exercise is an essential component of contemporary center-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs. Despite the proven effectiveness, uptake and adherence to supervised exercise-based CR (exCR) remains suboptimal (approximately 50%), especially in rural and remote areas of Sweden. The main reasons for low participation rate in centre-based exCR are different accessibility …
A Study in Healthy People to Test Whether Different Doses of BI 1015550 Have Potential to Induce Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
The main objective of this trial is to evaluate the effects of a single therapeutic and a single supra-therapeutic dose of BI 1015550 following oral administration on cardiac safety parameters in healthy male and female volunteers.
Effectiveness of CRD-4730 in Participants with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT)
This is a Phase 2, multicenter, double-blind, sponsor unblinded, placebo-controlled, single-dose clinical study of CRD-4730 to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of CRD-4730 when administered as single oral doses to participants with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT). The study will have 2 cohorts in which participants …
Respiratory Muscles and Work of Breathing in Children
Respiratory muscle testing allows a quantitative assessment of inspiratory and expiratory muscles in children of any age with primary or secondary respiratory muscle impairment, in order to better understand the pathophysiology of respiratory impairment and guide therapeutic management. The use of an invasive technique (esogastric probe) makes it possible to …
Evaluating of Role of Myeloperoxidase in Prediction of Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery Procedures.
The main objection is to investigate molecular biology of myocardial damage during cardiac surgery procedures.
Oxytocin and Fetal Heart Rate Changes
The reported risk of nonreassuring fetal heart trace following neuraxial analgesia is 3-23%. This variability may be due to fluid and oxytocin management prior to and during the initiation of neuraxial analgesia. The study hypothesis is that decreasing the oxytocin infusion rate by 50 % prior to initiation of combined …
A Feasibility Study of Physical Activity After Surgical or Catheterization Intervention
This feasibility study will assess whether a 6-month, home-based, parent-led physical activity program, completed after surgical or catheterization treatment, enables young children with congenital heart defects (CHD) to achieve the recommended 180 minutes of daily physical activity. This study includes comprehensive measures of motor skill and physical activity, intervening at …
Creation of a French South-Eastern Database and DNA-bank of Congenital Heart Disease to Explore the Genetic Pathways
Congenital heart defects are seen in 0,8% of life births. In France this means more than 5000 newborns per year. The south-east region of France is particularly affected as a result of a higher birth rate and consanguinity, when compared to other regions. The majority of congenital heart diseases remain …
Improving Patient and Family Health Using Family-Centered Outcomes and Shared Decision-Making
This study is a randomized clinical trial where participants (parents of a fetus or neonate diagnosed with a life-threatening congenital heart disease (CHD)) will randomly be assigned to either receiving a web-based decision aid (DA) alone, or receiving the decision aid that includes a values clarification exercise. Because of the …