miscarriage Clinical Trials
A listing of miscarriage medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 25 clinical trials
Prednisolone Administration in Patients With Unexplained REcurrent MIscarriages
Recurrent miscarriages (RM) affects 3% of all fertile couples, but remains unexplained in most cases, limiting therapeutic options. Possibly the maternal immune system plays a role in recurrent miscarriage. Prednisolone suppresses the immune system and might enable development of normal pregnancy. In this randomized controlled clinical trial the investigators will …
Investigation and Diagnosis of the Chromosome Variation in Donated/Abandoned Blastocyst
Blastocysts derived from patients seeking infertility treatment were generated by in vitro fertilization and embryo culture as previously described, and were evaluated using the Gardner system. As part of the embryo selection process, cells of TE biopsy were collected, and blastocysts were vitrified. The clinical TE biopsies were subjected to …
Effect of Prednisolone Treatment on Uterine Natural Killer Cells
This study aims to investigate the role of uNK cells and the association with prednisolone.
Comparison Between Letrozole and Mifepristone in Medical Termination of First Trimester Miscarriages
Prospective interventional study where participants with non-viable pregnancy at 1st trimester will be randomized into two arms, one group will receive conventional treatment with oral mifepristone followed by misoprostol vaginally and another group will receive letrozole for three consecutive days followed by misoprostol vaginally in an attempt to terminate the …
Hysteroscopy vs. Endouterine Aspiration in the Management of Trophoblastic Retention
Introduction: Incomplete early miscarriage is defined as early miscarriage with persistent intrauterine material on ultrasound. Intrauterine retention of trophoblastic debris is not an uncommon phenomenon. These retentions may initially be asymptomatic but are often responsible for persistent metrorrhagia and endometritis. This symptomatology often accentuates the psychological distress of patients mourning …
Virtual Reality for Coping With Involuntary Early Pregnancy Loss
This study aims to provide psychological support to women that experienced an Early Pregnancy Loss (when the loss occurs until the 20 weeks of gestation) using an innovative Virtual Reality prototype and compare the presence and evolution of psychological distress symptoms pre and post-intervention. The main goals of this study …
The Use of High Concentration Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Transfer Medium in Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF) Patients
This is a pilot study with the aim to investigate the beneficial effect of bicarbonate buffered medium containing hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin (EmbryoGlue®, Vitrolife) in patients with documented repeated implantation failure on live birth per randomized subject as primary endpoint.
Use of Warfarin After the First Trimester in Pregnant Women With APS
Evaluation of shifting to oral vitamin K antagonist after the first trimester instead of using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) throughout pregnancy in pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Immune Profile Analysis and Biomarker Identification in Women With Repeated Implantation Failure or Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriage
Implantation is a determining step in human reproduction which requires the transition from a pro-inflammatory state to an anti-inflammatory state allowing the implantation of a competent embryo within a receptive endometrium, and then the maternal immunotolerance towards the alloantigenic fetus. Repeat implantation failures (RIFs), that refers to the fail to …
Gemeprost Versus Dinoprostone in First Trimester Miscarriages
Comparison between gemeprost and dinoprostone to evacuate first trimester miscarriages.