frozen-shoulder-adhesive-capsulitis Clinical Trials
A listing of frozen-shoulder-adhesive-capsulitis medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 27 clinical trials
Intermetatarsal Bursitis in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
The aim of the study is to investigate the incidence and clinical implications of intermetatarsal bursitis (IMB) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The hypothesis is that IMB is a cause of pain in patients with RA.
Dry Needling and Lateral Hip Pain (GTPS)
Introduction: Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome (GTPS) includes a number of disorders involving the lateral hip region, including bursitis, gluteal lacerations, and trigger points in the contractile tissue crossing the hip. As an alternative resource for pain relief, dry needling, known as Dry Needling (DN) is a technique that has been …
Using Large-area Low-level Light Therapy for Treating Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis, is a common problem characterized by the insidious onset of glenohumeral pain and limitation of shoulder motion in all planes. Clinically, frozen shoulder could be divided into freezing, frozen and thawing stage. The treatments of frozen shoulder are mainly conservative, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and physiotherapy. Due to …
Efficacy of Eccentric Exercises in Individuals With Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a musculoskeletal condition with a strong negative impact on activities of daily living, producing pain, disability, anxiety, and sleep disorders. It has a worldwide prevalence of 5.3%, increasing from 10 to 38% in patients with diabetes and thyroid conditions. This clinical entity manifests itself mainly in women …
Adhesive Capsulitis: Prospective Analysis of Efficacy and Financial Impact for Use of Physical Therapy in Treatment
The purpose of this study is to identify individuals 18 or older who have diagnostic presentation of adhesive capsulitis and randomize them into two arms, distinguished by use of physical therapy and steroid injections compared with steroid injections followed by watchful waiting. This prospective study will be used to determine …
Effects of Scapular Mobilization on Shoulder Proprioception and Pain in Patients With Adhesive Capsulitis
Adhesive capsulitis is a common musculoskeletal condition. Painful gradual loss of both active and passive gleno-humeral motion resulting from progressive fibrosis and ultimate contracture of the gleno-humeral joint capsule.Scapular position and movement perception both effected by shoulder adhesive capsulitis, change in the scapular kinematics in the form of an increase …
A Study to Determine the Safety and Effectiveness of a Connective Tissue Allograft (ActiveMatrix) Verses Standard of Care in Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder
The purpose of this study is to compare ActiveMatrix® to standard of care corticosteroid injection in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (frozen shoulder).
Has Ultrasound-guided Hydrorelease of Coracohumeral Ligamet Additional Benefit in Patients With Adhesive Capsulitis Receiving Ultrasound-guided Shoulder Hyrodilatation?
The goal of this study is to detect if there is an additional benefit to performing ultrasound-guided hydrorelease of the coracohumeral ligament in patients with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder receiving ultrasound-guided hydrodilatation.
Comparison of the Effect of Combined Glenohumeral Joint and Subdeltoid Bursa Injection With Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP), Corticosteroid, and Normal Saline in Addition to Physical Therapy for Treatment of Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder, adhesive capsulitis, shoulder, platelet-rich plasma, corticosteroid, injection.
Conservative Treatment of Early Adhesive Capsulitis
A prospective, multicentre, randomized controlled study comparing the efficacy of conservative treatment for early adhesive capsulitis