cerebral-palsy-pediatric Clinical Trials
A listing of cerebral-palsy-pediatric medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 10 clinical trials
Focused Ultrasound Pallidotomy for Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy in Pediatric and Young Adult Subjects
The primary objective of the proposed study is to evaluate the safety of ExAblate Transcranial MRgFUS as a tool for creating bilateral or unilateral lesions in the globus pallidus (GPi) in patients with treatment-refractory secondary dystonia due to dyskinetic cerebral palsy
Robot Based Gait Training Therapy for Pediatric Population With Cerebral Palsy Using the CPWalker
This trial is being conducted to determine if the CPWalker can be used as a gait training intervention for pediatric patients with gait impairments due to cerebral palsy
Pain Injection Versus Epidural Anesthesia for Hip Surgery in Pediatric Patients With Cerebral Palsy
Pain management in pediatric patients presents a difficult challenge. Unlike adults, pediatric patients often cannot communicate their pain management needs clearly. This is especially true in patients with cerebral palsy (CP), who often have concomitant developmental delay, intellectual disability and verbal limitations. Current literature indicates pain as a common experience …
Use of ıntegrated Pulmonary Index Monitorisation in Children Undergoing Botulinum Toxin Injection
This study aimed to detect hypoxia early with ıntegrated pulmonary index monitoring compared to saturation.
Using Augmented Reality to Promote Physical Activity in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Children with cerebral palsy (CP), Gross Motor Functional Classification Scale (GMFCS) I-II will be recruited to participate in a home based physical activity intervention for 12 weeks. Demographic data will be collected, and validated surveys assessing baseline activity level and quality of life will be administered. Participants will have an …
Prognostic Value of Generalized Movements in the Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases in Children
To study of the evolution of general movements in children, to develop criteria for early diagnosis of neurological disorders to reduce early neurological disability. It is observational longitudinal analytical cohort study.
Efficacy of a Rehabilitation Program With the Pediatric Exoskeleton ATLAS 2030 in Pediatric Patients With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the first cause of motor disability in children worldwide. ATLAS 2030 is a robotic gait exoskeleton designed to rehabilitate children with motor disability. The objective of this study is to analyse the efficacy of a training program with ATLAS 2023 in chilren with CP.
Study of Intramuscular Injections of OnabotulinumtoxinA to Assess Change in Disease Activity in Pediatric Participants With Spasticity Associated With Cerebral Palsy
Spasticity is often observed as muscle tightness and stiffness in the upper and/or lower limbs. Upper limb spasticity can interfere with joint movement and its severity can range from mild to severe. This study will assess how effective OnabotulinumtoxinA is in treating pediatric participants with Spasticity. Change in disease activity …
Gastro-oesophageal Reflux and NeuroDisability (Cerebral Palsy) in CHILDren
This study assesses the content validity of the PGSQ for parents/carer of children with cerebral palsy and GORD, including features such as readability, face validity and acceptability for completion. This will be done via 6 interviews, with the PGSQ being altered as identified as required. Reliability (test-retest) of the adapted …
The FBRI VTC Neuromotor Research Clinic
The FBRI VTC Neuromotor Research Clinic was established and opened in May of 2013 to provide intensive therapeutic services to individuals with motor impairment secondary to neuromotor disorders. It is direct by Dr. Stephanie DeLuca and based on the principles surrounding ACQUIREc Therapy. ACQUIREc Therapy is an evidenced-based approach to …