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psychosis Clinical Trials

A listing of psychosis medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 390 clinical trials

Understanding of Psychotic Disorders in Children With 22q11.2DS

The study PremiCeS22 will investigate the prodromal signals at the onset of psychotic disorders of children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

4 - 13 years of age Both Phase N/A
A Axel Nordenskjöld, MD

A Randomized Controlled Trial With Rituximab for Psychotic Disorder in Adults

Immunological factors are assumed to be determinants for some psychiatric disorders, thus anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful. However, studies on such treatments are scarce. An inflammatory modulating drug rituximab, cluster of differentiation antigen 20 antibodies (anti-CD20 antibodies), is a standard treatment for e.g. multiple sclerosis. The investigators aim to test …

18 - 55 years of age Both Phase 2
C Chi Kin IP, MN

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based Lifestyle Counselling Programme for Early Psychosis on Physical Activity

This pilot randomized controlled trial aims to determine the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effects of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based Lifestyle Counselling Programme (ACT-LCP) on the physical and psychosocial health outcomes of patients with early psychosis over a 12-week follow-up.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

Effects Zulresso on Postpartum Psychosis

This is an open-label, proof of concept trial to investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Zulresso (brexanolone) administered to adult female subjects diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. This study will provide critical pilot data to determine whether there is similar treatment efficacy among patients with postpartum psychosis as observed to …

18 - 45 years of age Female Phase N/A

Optimizing Engagement in Services for First-Episode Psychosis

This study will compare a 12-session behavioral activation (BA) intervention modified for first-episode psychosis (FEP) to usual community mental health care (i.e., treatment-as-usual; TAU) delivered over 6 months with a sample of Latinos with FEP and their families. Comparable family group sessions will also be delivered to participants in both …

15 - 35 years of age Both Phase N/A

Family Peer Navigator for Early Psychosis for Black Families

Building upon formative research, this mixed methods study will be conducted in three phases to develop, refine, and pilot-test a multi-component Family Peer Navigator model designed to increase access to and initial engagement in coordinated specialty care for early psychosis among Black/African American families.

18 - 100 years of age Both Phase N/A
Y Yulia Landa, PsyD, MS

Telehealth Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth at Risk for Psychosis

This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of telehealth interventions for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR). Psychosis typically emerges during late adolescence or early adulthood, significantly impacting long-term functioning. While CHR programs have the potential to reduce illness severity, individuals often face barriers such as …

14 - 25 years of age Both Phase N/A

Individualized Vocational and Educational Support and Training for Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (InVEST)

The purpose of this study is to test the efficacy of InVEST (Individualized Vocational and Educational Support and Training) for CHR-P (clinical high risk for psychosis) to address specific role functioning difficulties associated with the CHR-P phase. Our specific goals are Part 1: Preliminary open trial of InVEST (n = …

12 - 22 years of age Both Phase N/A
C Caroline Wagandt, BA

Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of AGB101 for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Related Psychosis

This clinical trial will test whether AGB101 (low-dose levetiracetam, 220 mg, extended release tablet) can improve symptoms of psychosis in Parkinson's disease. Participants will be asked to complete up to 5 in-person study visits over approximately 20 weeks. Participants will receive both AGB101 and a placebo to take once a …

40 - 85 years of age Both Phase 2

Disengagement in CSC: Identifying Those at Risk and Addressing Their Needs

Maintaining treatment engagement is critical for first episode psychosis patients to experience gains possible with coordinated specialty care (CSC). This study is designed to identify CSC participants still receiving care but at high risk for disengagement and to intervene to prevent/delay disengagement.

15 - 40 years of age Both Phase 4

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