human-papilloma-virus-hpv Clinical Trials
A listing of human-papilloma-virus-hpv medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 198 clinical trials
Provider Recommendation and HPV Vaccination
In the United State, there are millions of US teens who are not vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV) putting them at risk of getting HPV-related cancers. Although there are clinical guidelines recommending the HPV vaccine and interventions encouraging parents to vaccinate their children to prevent HPV-related cancers, the vaccination …
Immunogenicity of the 9-Valent Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine in People With Idiopathic CD4 T Cell Lymphocytopenia
Background Diseases related to human papillomavirus (HPV) include warts, lesions, and cancers. ICL is idiopathic CD4 T cell lymphocytopenia. People with this rare disease get more HPV-related diseases than other people do. The diseases are more severe and harder to treat in people with ICL. Researchers want to see if …
Risk-adapted Therapy in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancer Using Circulating Tumor (ct)HPV DNA Profile - The ReACT Study
This research is being conducted to understand if treatment can be tailored for participants with HPV-related oropharynx cancers using both clinical features (stage of the tumor, smoking status) combined with an investigational HPV blood test. The names of the test and treatments involved in this study are: NavDx® HPV ctDNA …
Actions For Collaborative Community Engaged Strategies for HPV
In the current pilot study, Actions for Collaborative Community-Engaged Strategies for HPV (ACCESS-HPV), investigators will use participatory crowdsourcing methods to drive HPV prevention among mother-daughter dyads. Crowdsourcing open calls will allow us to identify locally relevant messages and dissemination techniques to increase uptake of HPV prevention. Then, participatory learning communities …
OPERATION WIPE OUT: Multi-Channel Communication Campaign to Promote HPV Vaccination in Chambers County, Alabama
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends HPV vaccination for all children and adults ages 9 to 26 in the U.S. However, HPV vaccination rates nationally and in Alabama lag far behind the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80% coverage. Despite multiple efforts, Alabama still ranks third in cervical …
St. Joseph's HPV Self-sampling: Offering a Self-sampling Option in Clinic
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of offering self-sampled human papillomavirus (HPV) tests in increasing participation in cervical cancer screening, compared to the standard of care clinician-sampled test. The primary study endpoints are (1) patients' acceptability of self-sampled HPV tests vs. clinician-sampled test, and (2) patients' completion of self-sampled …
The Sinai Robotic Surgery Trial in HPV-related Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SIRS 2.0 Trial)
The purpose of this study is to determine whether treatment of HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in patients with undetectable postoperative HPV circulating tumor DNA (cfHPVDNA) with transoral robotic surgery (TORS) alone can result in cancer control and survival comparable to those previously reported with standard therapy. The protocol includes …
Trial of De-Intensified Post-operative Chemoradiation Following Robotic Surgery for HPV-positive Oropharyngeal Cancer
This study will enroll patients with HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer, undergoing resection of all gross visible disease at the primary site and in the lymph nodes. A total of 40 patients who have had or will require surgery to remove cancer cells prior to starting chemoradiation may be enrolled. All eligible …
HPV Multilevel Intervention Strategies Targeting Immunization in Community Settings (HPV MISTICS)
This intervention study will use parent-, provider-, and health center-level strategies to promote HPV vaccination among 11-17 year olds receiving care in 8 community health centers in Florida, will explore factors related to the intervention effect, and will explore implementation outcomes of the intervention.
Effectiveness of Vaccine Chatbot on HPV Vaccine Awareness and Vaccination in China
This interventional study targets female students in junior middle school. It goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of a vaccine chatbot on HPV vaccine awareness and vaccination. The main questions it aims to answer are: How will the novel digital tool, a vaccine chatbot, impact eligible parents' awareness and knowledge …