menstruation Clinical Trials
A listing of menstruation medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 114 clinical trials
Evaluation of the Effect of Music Medicine Application on Menstrual Symptoms
In this study, the "Music Medicine Application" method was chosen in line with the literature and guidelines and it is aimed to determine whether it is effective in reducing the symptoms experienced by female students with "Music Medicine Application" during the menstrual period.
Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of the Hamstring Muscle Group in Female.
The goal of this clinical trial is to precise the impact of menstrual cycle and physical activity on the hamstrings muscle function in healthy active women. The main question it aims to answer is : is there a moment of the menstrual cycle when the muscle is better able to …
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise During the Different Phases of Menstural Cycle
The menstrual cycle is a term to describe the sequence of events that occur in body as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy each month. The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. However a cycle can range in length from 21 days to about 35 days …
Dopamine, Reward Learning and Sex Hormones
Hormonal transition periods during the menstrual cycle may predispose women to mental disorders. Hormonal fluctuations provide specific neuroendocrine conditions that modulate brain structure and function and these actions affect cognitive and emotional behaviors and affect energy and mood homeostasis. It is thought that these changes are driven by altered dopamine …
A Pilot Study of High Intensity Walking in Older Adults in the Pre-operative Period
The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate a high intensity walking intervention in older surgical candidates with kidney or thoracic disease and pre-frailty or frailty.
The Effect of Back Massage Applied to Mothers in the Early Postpartum Period on Parameters
In the literature, there are separate studies on massage, comfort, anxiety, and physiological parameters for massage practice, but there are no studies that measure the physiological parameters of comfort, pain, anxiety, blood pressure, pulse, fever, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate in the early postpartum period. In this study, the effect of …
Follow-up During the Peripubertal Period of Preterm Children Included in the Protocol Entitled "EPIPOD".
Prematurity is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic disturbances in adulthood. It has been demonstrated that the body composition of children born prematurely is different from that of children born under term with a deficit in fat free mass. It can thus be wondered if this …
Evaluation of Balance and Movement in Order to Prevent the Risk of Falling in the Post-operative Period
This study aims to identify, in patients undergoing hip and knee joint replacement, the functional evaluation tools predictive of the risk of falling upon admission to the orthopedic department and to correlate the results obtained with clinical evaluation scales that are generally used for fall risk stratification and the number …
Optimize the Support of Patients in Pelvic Onco-gynecology Through Adapted Support Care in the Post-cancer Period. AFTERGYN Pilot Phase
While the sequelae and toxicities after ovarian and endometrial cancer treatments are well described in the literature, the actual needs of patients for supportive oncology care remain poorly documented. Moreover, there is no data available to estimate the complexity of the oncological support care actions to be implemented. It is …
Effect of a Physical Exercise Session Performed During a 24-34 Hour Fasting Period on Energy Metabolism and Cognitive Function in Healthy Adults
This study explores the impact of high-intensity exercise during fasting on energy metabolism and cognitive function in healthy adults. Changes in respiratory exchange ratio, blood substances, and cognitive performance will be measured after 24 and 34 hours of fasting with and without exercise in a randomized crossover design.