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contraception Clinical Trials

A listing of contraception medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 59 clinical trials

Immediate Versus Delayed Insertion of Intrauterine Contraception After Medical Abortion

PICO Population Women with unwanted pregnancy having a medical abortion and fulfilling inclusion and without exclusion criteria and opting for IUC as post abortion contraception. The medical abortion will be carried out according to the Swedish national evidence based guidelines. Intervention Randomized to insertion of IUC within 48 hours after …

18 - 100 years of age Female Phase 3
E Emily Graves

Premature Discontinuation of Contraceptive Implants

To compare rates of etonogestrel implant discontinuation in implant initiators who are given advance provision of combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs) and a bleeding rescue regimen (COCR intervention) to participants given standard counseling (comparator).

14 - 23 years of age Female Phase 4

A Research Study Looking at How the Compound NNC0194-0499 Works With Birth Control Pills in Women Not Able to Bear Children.

The study will investigate the influence of NNC0194-0499 on the blood levels of the two components of a birth control pill, Microgynon®. Participants will get the birth control pill in form of tablets in two periods of 8 days each. Participants will get NNC0194-0499 as injection under the skin of …

18 - 65 years of age Female Phase 1

Disparities in Emergency Contraceptive Metabolism Dictate Efficacy

The purpose of this study is to learn more about why some people are at greater risk for oral emergency contraceptive failure while others are not. The investigators want to learn if genetic differences impact the risk of emergency contraception failure.

18 - 40 years of age Female Phase 4

Tranexamic Acid to Reduce Contraceptive-related Bleeding Side Effects

This randomized double blinded trial seeks to determine whether tranexamic acid (TXA) is an efficacious treatment for contraceptive induced menstrual changes (CIMC) including irregular, bothersome bleeding caused by the etonogestrel subdermal contraceptive implant (ENG implant). Participants will be randomized into the TXA treatment arm or a placebo. They will begin …

15 - 45 years of age Female Phase 4

Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of the Hamstring Muscle Group in Female.

The goal of this clinical trial is to precise the impact of menstrual cycle and physical activity on the hamstrings muscle function in healthy active women. The main question it aims to answer is : is there a moment of the menstrual cycle when the muscle is better able to …

18 - 35 years of age Female Phase N/A
A Andrew M Novick, MD PhD

Contraceptive Hormone and Reward Measurement (CHARM Study)

Purpose of this study: The purpose of this study is to learn more about how hormonal oral contraceptives affect brain processes and emotional wellbeing. Procedures: If participants agree to participate, the following will happen: Eligibility visit (remote screening session) If participants are eligible to participate in the study, they will …

18 - 100 years of age Female Phase 4
C Corinne Sexsmith

Levonorgestrel 52 mg IUD for Emergency Contraception and Same-Day Start

This is a prospective clinical research study to test the effectiveness of the Levonorgestrel (LNG) 52 mg Intrauterine Device (IUD) for emergency contraception (EC) and same-day start use that will enroll people receiving care at Planned Parenthood affiliates across the U.S. Our prior work demonstrated efficacy (shows that it works …

16 - 35 years of age Female Phase 4

Contraceptive Efficacy Study of Ovaprene

This will be a multi-center, single arm, open-label study of Ovaprene, a non-hormonal intravaginal ring, to investigate the contraceptive effectiveness, safety and acceptability of Ovaprene.

18 - 40 years of age Female Phase N/A

A Trial on Contraceptive Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of LVDS (Levonorgestrel Vaginal Delivery System) During 13 Cycles

Multicentre, single arm phase III trial to assess the pearl index of LVDS. The trial lasts 13 cycles.The assessments include (but are not limited to) recording demographic data, pregnancy tests, gynaecological examinations, laboratory tests and a quality of life questionnaire. Adolescents will undergo DXA scans to measure bone mineral density …

15 - 45 years of age Female Phase 3

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