memory-loss Clinical Trials
A listing of memory-loss medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 70 clinical trials
NIMH K23: Modulation of Frontoparietal Dynamics in Adolescent Working Memory Deficits
Working memory (WM) deficits are a transdiagnostic feature of adolescent psychopathology that substantially contribute to poor clinical and functional outcomes. This proposal will utilize a multimodal neuroscientific approach to investigate whether non-invasive brain stimulation can modulate the neural mechanisms underlying adolescent WM deficits. Directly in line with NIMH priorities, the …
Predictive Factors and Autonomy Level Change
The Alzheimer's disease or related disorders (ADRD) are among the most disabling diseases because of their main features such as cognitive impairment, loss of functional autonomy and behavioural disorders. In absence of current curative treatment, the identification of the predictive risk factors of progression of the disease, evaluated through its …
Predictive Factors of Autonomy Loss in Real-life Cohort
The Alzheimer's disease or related disorders (ADRD) are among the most disabling diseases because of their main features such as cognitive impairment, loss of functional autonomy and behavioural disorders. In absence of current curative treatment, the identification of the predictive risk factors of progression of the disease, evaluated through its …
Pitch Perception and Memory: Deficits and Training
Pitch perception and memory are central in auditory cognition, in particular for sound source segregation and recognition, speech prosody and music processing. Here the investigator assess pitch perception and memory in hearing-impaired listeners wearing cochlear implant(s) and listeners with congenital amusia, both compared with control listeners. Behavioral, EEG, and MEG …
Promoting Goals-of-Care Discussions for Patients With Memory Problems and Their Caregivers
The goal of this clinical trial is to improve communication among clinicians, patients with memory problems, and their family members. We are testing a way to help clinicians have better conversations to address patients' goals for their healthcare. To do this, we created a simple, short guide called the "Jumpstart …
Brain Health Virtual Reality Study
The Interventions for Brain Health Virtual Reality Study is a NIH-funded clinical research trial at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Health under the supervision of the study principal investigator Dr. Judy Pa. The overarching goal of this trial is to use a novel virtual reality (VR) based intervention …
A SMART Trial of Adaptive Exercises to Optimize Aerobic-Fitness Responses
The goal of this clinical trial is to test 6 months of aerobic exercise in older adults who are 65 years or older and have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or probable/possible mild Alzheimer's Disease. The main questions it aims to answer are: test the effects of aerobic exercise on aerobic …
Pharmacological Modulation of Brain Oscillations in Memory Processing
The goal of this study is to learn about the effects of scopolamine (an anticholinergic drug) on areas of the brain involved in memory, and changes it may have on brain activity. The investigators will do this by testing epileptic patients who are already undergoing intracranial surgery for seizure monitoring, …
Remote Game-based Exercise Program for Cognitive and Motor Function Improvement
As our population ages, more older adults face motor-cognitive declines, increasing their risk of falls and fear of falling. Exercise is an effective way to maintain cognitive function, as supported by recent studies. However, those with poor motor and cognitive abilities often struggle to visit rehabilitation centers, leading to high …
Targeted Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Improve Hippocampal-dependent Declarative Memory Abilities
This is a pilot study of non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to improve memory in healthy adults. It will also examine treating memory deficits in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), a condition that frequently precedes Alzheimer's disease (AD. The study will test whether a form of non-invasive …