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hepatoblastoma Clinical Trials

A listing of hepatoblastoma medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Found 12 clinical trials
J Jill MacDonald

ET140203 T Cells in Pediatric Subjects With Hepatoblastoma, HCN-NOS, or Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Open-label, dose escalation, multi-center, Phase I/II clinical trial to assess the safety/tolerability and determine the recommended Phase II Dose (RP2D) of ET140203 T-cells in pediatric subjects who are AFP-positive/HLA-A2-positive and have relapsed/refractory HB, HCN-NOS, or HCC.

1 - 21 years of age Both Phase 1/2
H Hongxiang Gao, M.D.

A Multi-institutional Study for Treatment of Children With Newly Diagnosed Hepatoblastoma Using a Modified PHITT Strategy

A Phase 3 multi-institutional study for treatment of children with newly diagnosed hepatoblastoma using a modified Paediatric Hepatic International Tumour Trial (PHITT) strategy incorporating a randomized assessment of sodium thiosulfate as auditory protection for children with localized disease, and response adapted therapy for patients with metastatic disease

- 18 years of age Both Phase 3

Vorinostat in Combination With Chemotherapy in Relapsed/Refractory Solid Tumors and CNS Malignancies

Investigators are testing new experimental drug combinations such as the combination of vorinostat, vincristine, irinotecan, and temozolomide in the hopes of finding a drug that may be effective against tumors that have come back or that have not responded to standard therapy. The goals of this study are: To find …

1 - 30 years of age Both Phase 1

EGFR806 CAR T Cell Immunotherapy for Recurrent/Refractory Solid Tumors in Children and Young Adults

This is a phase I, open-label, non-randomized study that will enroll pediatric and young adult research participants with relapsed or refractory non-CNS solid tumors to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of administering T cell products derived from the research participant's blood that have been genetically modified to express a …

1 - 30 years of age Both Phase 1
M Melissa Hines, MD

B7-H3-Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor Autologous T-Cell Therapy for Pediatric Patients With Solid Tumors (3CAR)

3CAR is being done to investigate an immunotherapy for patients with solid tumors. It is a Phase I clinical trial evaluating the use of autologous T cells genetically engineered to express B7-H3-CARs for patients ≤ 21 years old, with relapsed/refractory B7-H3+ solid tumors. This study will evaluate the safety and …

- 21 years of age Both Phase 1
J Juanita Cuffee

Flavored, Oral Irinotecan VAL-413 (Orotecan®) Given With Temozolomide for Treatment of Recurrent Pediatric Solid Tumors

A pilot pharmacokinetic trial to determine the safety and efficacy of a flavored, orally administered irinotecan VAL-413 (Orotecan®) given with temozolomide for treatment of recurrent pediatric solid tumors including but not limited to neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, hepatoblastoma and medulloblastoma

1 - 30 years of age Both Phase 1
L Lisa Burke, RN

Auto Transplant for High Risk or Relapsed Solid or CNS Tumors

This is a standard of care treatment guideline for high risk or relapsed solid tumors or CNS tumors consisting of a busulfan, melphalan, thiotepa conditioning (for solid tumors) or carboplatin and thiotepa conditioning (for CNS tumors) followed by an autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant. For solid tumors, if appropriate, …

- 70 years of age Both Phase N/A
A AeRang Kim, PhD

Study of Onivyde With Talazoparib or Temozolomide in Children With Recurrent Solid Tumors and Ewing Sarcoma

The phase I portion of this study is designed for children or adolescents and young adults (AYA) with a diagnosis of a solid tumor that has recurred (come back after treatment) or is refractory (never completely went away). The trial will test 2 combinations of therapy and participants will be …

12 - 30 years of age Both Phase 1/2
S Site Public Contact

Tegavivint for the Treatment of Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors, Including Lymphomas and Desmoid Tumors

This phase I/II trial evaluates the highest safe dose, side effects, and possible benefits of tegavivint in treating patients with solid tumors that has come back (recurrent) or does not respond to treatment (refractory). Tegavivint interferes with the binding of beta-catenin to TBL1, which may help stop the growth of …

12 - 30 years of age Both Phase 1/2

Relapsed and Refractory Hepatoblastoma: A Prospective Registry and Liver Tumor Research Consortium Initiative

There are limited data regarding the biology and treatment of relapsed/refractory hepatoblastoma (rrHBL). This project provides the infrastructure for acquisition of biological specimens, imaging, and correlative clinical data to facilitate biology studies and characterization of rrHBL. This registry will collect clinical, demographic, and pathological data, specimens (as available) and imaging …

- 100 years of age Both Phase N/A

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