vitiligo Clinical Trials
A listing of vitiligo medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 25 clinical trials
A 52-Week Study to Learn About the Safety and Effects of Ritlecitinib in Participants With Nonsegmental Vitiligo
This study is to evaluate how safe and effective ritlecitinib is in participants with non-segmental vitiligo (NSV). Ritlecitinib is studied in patients with non-segmental vitiligo. Vitiligo is a chronic acquired depigmentation disorder characterized by well-defined pale white patches of skin. Non-segmental vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and is the focus …
A Clinical Study of MK-6194 for the Treatment of Vitiligo (MK-6194-007)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of MK-6194 in participants with non-segmental vitiligo. The primary hypothesis is that at least 1 MK-6194 dose is superior to placebo with regards to percent change from baseline in Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) at Week …
A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Povorcitinib in Participants With Nonsegmental Vitiligo (STOP-V2)
This study is being conducted to determine the efficacy and safety of povorcitinib in participants with nonsegmental vitiligo.
A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Povorcitinib in Participants With Nonsegmental Vitiligo (STOP-V1)
This study is being conducted to determine the efficacy and safety of povorcitinib in participants with nonsegmental vitiligo.
A 104-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults With Nonsegmental Vitiligo (Active and Stable) Tranquillo 2
The purpose of this study is to learn about the safety and effects of the study medicine ritlecitinib for the possible treatment of nonsegmental vitiligo. Vitiligo causes white patches on your skin when the cells that give your skin color are destroyed. Nonsegmental means that it can affect both sides …
A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents With Nonsegmental Vitiligo (Active and Stable) Tranquillo
A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents with Nonsegmental Vitiligo (Active and Stable) Tranquillo
Vitiligo and Psychodrama Therapy
The goal of this pilot clinical trial is to assess the effectiveness of psychodramatic psychotherapy in reducing the psychological distress and/or the skin condition in patients with vitiligo. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is there any improvement in terms of psychological distress in patients with vitiligo participating …
ERASE VITILIGO Early Repigmentation Approach for Stopping the Evolution of VITILIGO Prospective Multicentric Interventional Study With Blinded Evaluation
Vitiligo affects 1 to 2% of worldwide population and has a demonstrated impact on the quality of life. Optimal treatment of vitiligo requires to target the auto-immune inflammatory response (to halt the depigmentation process), in particular T cells, but also to induce the differentiation of melanocyte stem cells (to induce …
Translational Assessment of Vitiligo According to Body Locations
Vitiligo affects 0.5 to 2% of worldwide population and has a demonstrated impact on the quality of life. Optimal treatment of vitiligo requires to target the auto-immune inflammatory response (to halt the depigmentation process), but also to induce the differentiation of melanocyte stem cells (to induce repigmentation). There is a …
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Metformin in Vitiligo
Metformin modulates metabolism in multiple cell types and is currently used to reduce glucose levels and insulin resistance in diabetic patients. The investigators hypothesize that oral metformin can regulate the metabolism of CD8+ T cells, reduce their cytotoxic activity and thus serve as a novel treatment for vitiligo.