duodenal-ulcers Clinical Trials
A listing of duodenal-ulcers medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.
Found 7 clinical trials
Xian-Lian-Jie-Du Optimization Decoction as an Adjuvant Treatment for Prevention of Recurrence of Colon Cancer
This study is designed as a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects in the intervention group will be treated with XLJDOD compound granule. Subjects in the control group will be treated with placebo (XLJDOD mimetic agent).
Modified Huang-Lian-Jie-Du Decoction (MHLJDD) for Atopic Dermatitis in Children
The study aims to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine (CM) for the treatment of subacute and chronic Atopic Dermatitis (AD) patients when compared to the placebo control by examining the clinical symptoms.
The Role of Manual Twirling Acupuncture in Reducing Muscle Pain and Stiffness After Biceps Curling in Healthy Untrained Individuals
Regular physical activity can help to prevent and control non-communicable disease. WHO recommends at least in adults to do moderate-vigorous physical activity includes muscle strengthening. But regardless the importance and recommendations of physical activity, not all of the world's population does it .Biceps Curling is a popular physical exercise which …
COMPArative Study of the Consequence on innaTe Immune Response du to Bacterial or Viral Infection in Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit
Patient admitted in intensive care unit (ICU) for acute infection whether it be viral or bacterial had major impairment of the immune response. One hallmark of the immune impairment is presence of immature granulocyte (IG) in blood. Depend of initial trigger (virus or bacteria) concentration, phenotype and function of IG …
Online Study of People Who Have Genetic Changes and Features of Autism: Simons Searchlight
Simons Searchlight is an observational, online, international research program for families with rare genetic variants that cause neurodevelopmental disorders and may be associated with autism. Simons Searchlight collects medical, behavioral, learning, and developmental information from people who have these rare genetic changes. The goal of this study is to improve …
Web-based International Register of Emergency Surgery and Trauma
The WIRES-T project (Web-based International Registry of Emergency General Surgery and Trauma) has been set up to allow to all the EGS (Emergency General Surgery) and Trauma surgeons to register their activity and to obtain a worldwide register of traumatic and non traumatic surgical emergencies. This will give the opportunity …
Évaluation de l'Impact du Compressed Sensing Sur le Signal QSM
Patients who have agreed to participate in the study will complete the MRI protocol as part of routine care, to which a maximum of four additional 25-minute sequences will be added. MRI of routine care includes at least the following sequences: 3D T1 TFE (2 minutes) T2 TSE (2 minutes) …