The purpose of this single arm study is to evaluate the feasibility and safety of treatments with a non-invasive neuromodulation device in adults diagnosed with mild/moderate Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). A non-invasive device is a device that stays outside of the body and is not implanted and does not penetrate the skin.
Neuromodulation means that the device stimulates activity in the brain.
Up to 12 participants will self-administer treatments twice daily in the home setting over a period of 12 weeks. There are 4 study center visits, including an eligibility visit, as well as multiple phone calls.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants with clinical diagnosis of probable PDD
- Positive response to levodopa and have been treated with levodopa-based therapies for minimum of one years
- Participants must be willing and able to comply with all study requirements
- Participants must expect that the participant will be able to remain on a stable regimen of concomitant therapies used for the management of PD and not to introduce new medications used to treat PD (motor or non-motor symptoms) during the study
- Participant must have a study partner (defined as someone who sees the participant for more than three hours a day, 5x per week) that is willing to consent and participate in the trial.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participant anticipates being unable to attend all visits and complete all study activities during the trial
- Women of child-bearing potential who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during the course of the trial
- Has experienced a heart attack, angina, or stroke within the past 12 months or transient ischemic attack (TIA) within the past 6 months
- Are being treated with another neurostimulation device
- Demonstrate suicidality
- Have been previously diagnosed with either central vestibular dysfunction (lifetime) or have experienced l peripheral vestibular dysfunction within the last 12 months.
- Have active ear infections, perforated tympanic membrane or labyrinthitis, as identified by a general ear examination
- Have a recent history of frequent ear infections (≥ 1 per year over the past two years)
- Have a cochlear implant, myringotomy tubes or hearing aids that cannot be easily/reliably removed for treatment
- Have chronic tinnitus