This study will examine whether impairments and personal factors are associated with activity and participation in people with vestibulopathy. Data collection will occur prior to starting vestibular rehabilitation and after completing vestibular rehabilitation.
Adults aged 18-years and older with symptomatic complaints of dizziness and/or imbalance and a medical diagnosis of unilateral vestibular hypofunction will be recruited at the time of their entry into vestibular rehabilitation. The investigators will analyze what factors (impairments and personal factors) are related to activity and participation in people with vestibular disorders and see if change in activity and participation is related to recovery from vestibulopathy.
Inclusion Criteria:
- 18-years and older with symptomatic complaints of dizziness and/or imbalance and a medical diagnosis of unilateral vestibular hypofunction
Exclusion Criteria:
- 1. Cognition <18 on Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
- 2. Visual acuity worse than 20/40 with corrected lenses
- 3. Loss of protective distal sensation (defined as the inability to feel a 4.31 size monofilament on the plantar surface of the foot)
- 4. Inability to engage in community mobility