Ambispective post-market data collection on visual symptoms, patient satisfaction and surgeon experience with the TECNIS PC IOL.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients who are bilaterally implanted with TECNIS PC IOL and are at least 45 days postoperative from their second eye surgery
- Clear intraocular media
- Signed informed consent and data protection documentation
- Availability, willingness, ability, and sufficient cognitive awareness to comply with examination procedures
- Ability to understand, read, and write English or the local language in which the informed consent and questionnaires are provided
Exclusion Criteria:
- Subjects with ongoing adverse events that might impact outcomes during the study
- Use of systemic or ocular medication that may affect vision
- Acute or chronic disease or condition, ocular trauma or surgery that may confound results
- Patients with amblyopia, strabismus, nystagmus
- Concurrent participation in another clinical trial