assessment of the musculoskeletal system will be performed twice a year, for three years of young gymnasts.
Aims: To examine the changes in the anatomical and morphological features in the skeleton of young female artistic and rhythmic gymnasts and follow the risk of injuries during the period of pubertal growth.
Methods: 200 gymnasts (100 rhythmic and 100 artistic) will participate. Measurements will be performed at the beginning and the end of each year, for three years. Each gymnast will be examined for the following: asked about her menarche, assessed by a physician for Tanner stages, and will answer the Triad-specific self-report questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI), muscle strength (using hand-held dynamometer), joint range of motion (using goniometer), scoliosis, and Beighton test for hypermobility will be assessed. In addition, the gymnasts will be scanned by using three different ultrasounds: Bone age for the skeletal age, SOS for the bone properties, and ultrasound tissue characterization for the tendon structure. The gymnasts will be asked about their physical training history, frequency, and training intensity. Each gymnast will be asked whether she had pain or injuries during the period she has been training, as well as a physical and injuries evaluation that will be conducted by a physician.
Once a month a telephone follow-up with the trainer regarding any pain or injuries in the last month will be conducted.
Inclusion Criteria:
- training at least 4 times per week,
- a minimum of 16 hours per week, at a competitive level.
- The gymnasts exercised fully three months before the beginning of the study
- have not been absent more than three days from training due to pain, discomfort, or injury.
Exclusion Criteria:
- present injury causing pain
- missing training.