The FLIGHT study is an open-label, single-arm, pilot and feasibility study of a personalized and multimodality intervention focusing upon modifiable lifestyle factors, environmental modifications, and transdisciplinary clinical care for children with chronic illness. A mixed methods outcomes evaluation will be performed. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the most feasible and promising strategies to inform a more streamlined and scalable intervention in the future. Up to 14 participants may be enrolled, but fewer are expected to achieve the primary goal of the study.
Inclusion Criteria:
- At least one guardian must have the ability to read and write English
- Participant and participant's caregiver must reside in the United States and live within the designated recruitment areas
- Verified completion of the CHIRP survey and consent to participate in the FLIGHT Study screening process
- Candidate's diagnosis(es) falls into one or more of the following categories:
- Immune/Autoimmune Conditions (for example: juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema, atopic illness, allergies, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, other gastrointestinal disorders, lupus, other autoimmune conditions)
- Conditions of Metabolic Dysregulation (for example: obesity/type 2 diabetes)
- Mood/Behavioral/Developmental Conditions (for example: autism spectrum disorders, ADHD/ADD, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety)
- Candidate is able to provide sufficient documentation of diagnoses, including validated/standardized diagnostic criteria in current use by specialists for each respective diagnosis, which have been performed by a professional with requisite experience or training
Exclusion Criteria:
- Candidate is a family member or close associate of any employees or board members of Epidemic Answers, members of the FLIGHT Study Team, or any advisors or clinicians associated with the FLIGHT Study
- Candidate is not able to provide documentation for proof of diagnoses
- Diagnosis with a condition that is severe enough to preclude participation in the intensive, multi-modal lifestyle intervention
- Caregiver(s) with health (e.g., serious chronic disease, disability, addiction) or other life circumstances (e.g., lack of transportation, shared custody of child) that preclude full participation in the intensive intervention
- External sources of environmental toxicants to the home or school environment that cannot be modified (e.g., high tension power line directly adjacent to home, coal-fired power plant within a ΒΌ mile of family's home)
- Inability to control/modify child's diet at daycare or with childcare provider
- Caregiver(s) anticipate a change of geographic location within two years
- Parent or caregiver has explicit belief that child's condition cannot be improved
- Caregiver(s) unwilling to make lifestyle changes, restrict candidate's non-essential technology use. prepare the majority of the family meals at home, replace personal and household products if indicated
- Caregiver(s) unwilling to have the candidate assessed by a team of doctors and/or healthcare practitioners including, but not limited to: physician, chiropractor, acupuncturist, optometrist, nutritionist, or other professionals recommend by the program
- Caregiver(s) unwilling to have the candidate participate in minimally invasive laboratory or non-laboratory assessments
- Caregiver(s) unwilling to have the candidate participate in required periodic video interviews, and other audio-visual documentation
- Candidate is pregnant
- Candidate has been convicted of a felony, is currently on probation, or in a juvenile detention center