Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an effective intervention for reducing hospital readmissions, secondary events, and mortality in patients with respiratory pathologies.
The program should not be improved by introducing new subjects such as circadian rhythm.
Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of death in developed countries. To avoid complications and recurrences, secondary prevention in patients with respiratory diseases is essential. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a well-established and effective treatment that is supervised by medical professionals and conducted in dedicated centres. It has been shown to reduce hospital readmissions, secondary events, and patient mortality.
The timing of reconditioning is crucial. Previous studies have indicated that training times affect strength and power gains. Additionally, the time of day for training can significantly impact progress in aerobic capacity.
Disturbances to the biological clock can have consequences for people with respiratory pathologies, particularly an alteration in muscular function.
Therefore, studying the temporal specificity of exercise re-training in patients with respiratory diseases is of interest.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Registered for respiratory re-education and rehabilitation at the Clinique de la Mitterie
- Number of rehabilitation sessions at least 18 over 4 weeks
- Written informed consent signed by the patient
- Membership of a social security
Exclusion Criteria:
- - cardiovascular contraindications to exercise
- unstable respiratory status (uncompensated respiratory acidosis)
- conditions interfering with the pulmonary rehabilitation process (progressive neuromuscular disease, psychiatric illness)