The purpose of this study is to develop and validate methods to use hearing aids equipped with embedded sensors and artificial intelligence to assist in the assessment of fall risk and in the implementation of interventions aimed at reducing the risk of falling, as well as to improve speech intelligibility in quiet and in background noise, track physical activity, and social engagement. The investigators hope is that the knowledge that is generated through this study will ultimately translate to the clinical setting and will help reduce the likelihood that individuals experience a fall, and improve the quality of hearing in individuals who wear hearing aids.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 55 years or older
- Bilateral hearing aid user
- Able to consent in English
- Having access to a phone capable of running the mobile app required for the study
- Screen for fall risk ("Yes" to any question: Feels unsteady when standing or walking? Worries about falling? Has fallen in past year? If the participant has fallen: how many times? were they injured/hurt?)
- Ambulatory without need for a wheelchair
Exclusion Criteria:
- People with mobility restrictions (e.g., wheelchair bound) that would prevent the performance of the functional assessments.
- People with severe movement (e.g., Advanced Parkinson's disease) or cognitive (e.g., advanced dementia) disorders that would prevent the individual from either performing the functional assessments, or would lead to restricted activities that would prevent motion data from being collected according to the goal of the study.
- Inability to understand, consent, and complete requirements including verbal instructions and non-ambulatory/wheelchair-dependent.