To compare whether the Qigong exercise or Wu Dang Tai Chi Chuan will be effective in improving exercise capacity and reducing stress in CVD-risk individuals. Based on preliminary data, Qigong and Tai-Chi may help treat anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with chronic illnesses as well as in healthy adults. Without the need for specialized equipment, Qigong and Tai-Chi are both readily adjustable mind-body exercises that may be done whenever and wherever. For this reason, Qigong and TaiChi should be extensively encouraged as ways to enhance emotional wellbeing
Since no comparison study has thus far been carried out in Pakistan which includes both interventions and very little literature is available. They belong to a group of Chinese exercises known for their efficacy in reducing blood pressure, stress, and quality of life and improving exercise capacity in patients with a high risk of CVD or CVD disease. These techniques are cost-effective treatment approaches and provide early outcomes. The positive results of this study would be helpful in the near future.
Inclusion Criteria:
- According to the Framingham risk calculator 10% to 20%+ for moderate to high-risk
- Patients at risk of CVD (last 6 months)
- Patients with either HTN, dyslipidemia, or diabetes
- Patients with less than 45 scores on the Berg Balance scale
- Stress from moderate to severe on PSS
- No regular physical exercise for at least 1 year
- Willing to take part
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of stroke
- Acute Infection
- Acute injury
- Any diagnosed psychological issue
- MSK disorders
- Member of marital arts/dance