This is a single site, pre-post pilot study. The objective is to evaluate the acceptability and feasibility of a primary care hypoglycemia prevention program for patients taking hypoglycemia-causing medications. The study will also evaluate relevant process outcomes and clinical outcomes for refining the intervention and planning for a larger efficacy trial.
Inclusion criteria for patients:
- Age 18 years or older
- Diabetes mellitus by electronic health record review
- Treatment with any of the following medication classes: insulin, sulfonylureas, meglitinides
- Community dwelling (not residing in long-term care or a skilled nursing facility)
- Receiving primary care from a participating primary care provider at Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine at Green Spring Station
- The patient's primary care provider approves their participation
Exclusion criteria for patients:
- Significant cognitive impairment or dementia
- Receiving hospice or end of life care
- Any other serious illness or condition not compatible with participation as determined by the investigators
- Planning to leave area prior to end of study
- Investigator discretion
Exclusion Criteria for continuous glucose monitoring (not required for study participation): - History of allergic skin reaction to adhesive - Implantable pacemaker Inclusion criteria for primary care providers: - Practicing at Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Green Spring Station Exclusion criteria for primary care providers: - Planning to leave their position prior to end of study - Not serving as primary care provider for any included patient Inclusion criteria for clinic staff: - Participating in check-in at Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Green Spring Station Exclusion criteria for clinic staff - Planning to leave their position prior to end of study