The measurement of magnetic fields emitted by cardiac activity has already been studied in magneto-cardiography. To date, however, this technology has never been evaluated in the peripheral circulation.
The magnetic susceptibility of iron in the circulating blood and the ionic currents in the blood stream generate a very weak induced magnetic current, which can be detected by the micro-sensor of the prototype investigators wish to study.
Proving the validity of this prototype would make it a new diagnostic and even prognostic tool, non-invasive, less costly and more accessible than Doppler for screening peripheral arterial disease.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients hospitalized in the Heart-Lung Unit of the Montpellier University Hospital, for any reason whatsoever
- Patient with lower extremity artery disease (LEAD) (stage 1 to 4 according to Leriche and Fontaine) or not (absence of LEAD)
- Age ≥ 18 years
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient with a metal implant in the vicinity of the device's area of use
- Patient requiring additional hygiene precautions
- Subject not affiliated to a social security scheme or not benefiting from such a scheme.
- Pregnant or breast-feeding woman, patient unable to give consent, protected adult, vulnerable persons
- Subject deprived of liberty by judicial or administrative decision
- Patient refusing to give consent