OBJECTIVE: To explore the intervention effect of ACT combined with a yoga intervention program on parenting burnout in parents with ASD.
METHODS: This study used a combination of qualitative research and quantitative analysis to examine the intervention effects of an ACT-centered intervention program on parenting burnout in parents of children with ASD, and to clarify the evaluations and perceptions of parents with ASD about the research program through qualitative research.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: To clarify the intervention effect of ACT combined with yoga intervention program on parenting burnout of ASD parents.
This study will focus on parents of children with ASD, and through literature review, intervention research, qualitative research, and other methods, based on PRO, adopt acceptance commitment therapy as the core intervention program to explore the improvement of parenting burnout, stress level and quality of life of parents, to enhance the psychological flexibility of parents with ASD, so that parents can positively cope with negative emotions and adverse events in life, and to promote the physical and mental health of parents and the quality of child care, so as to enhance the well-being and quality of life of families with ASD, and to enhance the well-being and quality of life of families with ASD. The program promotes the physical and mental health of parents and the quality of care for their children, thereby enhancing the well-being and quality of life of families with ASD.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Parents of children diagnosed with ASD based on DSM-5
- Parental burnout exists in parents
- Parents have normal speech, hearing and cognitive functioning
- Is the primary caregiver for children
- Informed consent and voluntary participation
Exclusion Criteria:
- Untreated ongoing or severe psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, schizophrenia, etc.;
- other more serious psychosomatic disorders that would interfere with the intervention.