Experimental study without drug and device, on pseudo-anonymized samples archived at the Tropica Biobank.
The objective is to evaluate the performance for the identification of microorganisms in blood samples and rectal swabs of real time PCR assays for the targets: KPC, VIM, IMP, NDM, Acinetobacter OXA, Oxa48, MCR.
The evaluations will be carried out taking into consideration the data obtained from the diagnostic routine at the DITM.
Inclusion criteria:
- Samples of patients for whom blood culture and Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) surveillance tests were carried out in rectal swabs at the IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital
- Samples for which the Information and consent to the conservation of biological samples for research purposes at the Tropica Biobank has been signed
Exclusion criteria:
- Absence of data relating to positivity or negativity to the germs of interest
- Absence of stored residual material
- Absence of information and consent to the conservation of biological samples for signed research purposes