The aim of our study is to examine the effectiveness of the Mollii Suit application on gross motor function, spasticity, postural control, upper extremity skills, selective motor control, daily living activities, quality of life, pain, sleep, constipation and drooling problems in non-ambulatory individuals with cerebral palsy (CP).
Our study includes children diagnosed with spastic type cerebral palsy at GMFCS level 4 or 5 who applied to the Developmental Physiotherapy and Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit of Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
After the patients are separated according to the specified exclusion and inclusion criteria, they will be divided into two groups by simple randomization method.
Evaluations will be made before and after treatment. In addition to normal neurodevelopmental therapy (NGT) and Mollii Suit method will be applied 2 days a week. The total duration of treatment will take 8 weeks. Groups; The first group will consist of children with CP who will receive neurodevelopmental treatment.
The second group will consist of children who will receive the Molli Suit method in addition to neurodevelopmental treatment.
Inclusion Criteria:
- GMFCS 4 or 5 with spastic cerebral palsy children
- Volunteering to participate in the study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Botulinum toxinA injection in the last 3 months
- Surgical intervention involving the musculoskeletal system in the last 6 months
- Having an invasive medical pump (baclofen, insulin, etc.)