This is a, open-label, single-arm 8-week investigation of levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease.
This study will enroll subjects who have a diagnosis of PD with Hoehn-Yahr stage 1.5-3.0 and assess the impact of low dosage of levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone treatment on the motor function and quality of life among PD patients.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Male or female and greater from 30 to 80.
- Diagnosis of idiopathic PD according to the MDS PD Diagnostic Criteria (2015).
- Hoehn-Yahr stage of 1.5-3.0 ("open" stage).
- Not on anti-PD medication or stable on anti-PD medication for at least 30 days.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of atypical Parkinsonian syndrome, vascular Parkinsonism or drug-induced Parkinsonism.
- History of surgery within 6 months.
- Alcoholism, drug abuse, or severe cognitive impairment (including severe Alzheimer's disease)
- Psychiatric illness, epilepsy, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and clinically significant concomitant illnesses
- Participation in another clinical trial within 2 months.
- With dyskinesia.
- Any other condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, makes them ineligible for enrolment.