The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of a parental coaching based on E-Learning (EL), intended for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Population: parents of young children (2 to 4 years old) with an ASD diagnosis.
The main questions that our study will answer are:
- Has parental coaching via E-Learning a significant impact compared to no coaching?
- If so, is that impact comparable to standard parental coaching such as PACT?
The impact will be evaluated in three domains:
- Child development: behavior, sleep, eating behavior
- Parental competences: stress, coping, feeling of parental competencies
- Parent-child interaction: communication, visual attention
The investigators will compare 3 groups:
- ASD children whose parents will follow a parental coaching via E-learning,
- ASD children whose parents will follow a standard parental coaching (PACT)
- ASD children whose parents will not follow any specific coaching program
Inclusion Criteria:
- Children with ASD
- Age 2 years to 4 years and 6 months
- Family speaking french
- Parent who signed the consent form
Exclusion Criteria:
- children with known genetic syndrome
- children with visual or auditive deficit
- children with epilepsy
- no internet access
- no french speaking