Hysteroscopic Isthmocele repair on IVF outcome It aims to assesse the efficacy of Hysteroscopic CS scar defect repair on the clinical pregnancy rate after embryo transfer.
Patients who were diagnosed with significant caesarean section scar defect and had a previous unsuccessful ongoing pregnancy after embryo transfer of one or more euploid embryo and planning for another trial of one euploid embryo transfer will be assed for study eligibility. Twenty five of them will be be randomized to hysteroscopic repair before having embryo transfer. and 25 will go directly for embryo transfer. Clinical pregnancy rate is the primary outcome.
Hysteroscopic Isthmocele repair on IVF outcome Background: Uterine niche is a very common finding in women with previous caesarean section. Subfertility can be associated finding and IVF outcome can be affected by its presence. It is not yet if its treatment before IVF trial could improve the outcome of IVF cycle.
Objectives: assesse the efficacy of Hysteroscopic CS scar defect repair on the clinical pregnancy rate after embryo transfer.
Methods This prospective randomized controled will be conducted at Healthplus fertility center. The population of the study will be Patients who was diagnosed with significant caesarean section scar defect and had a previous unsuccessful ongoing pregnancy after embryo transfer of one or more euploid embryo and planning for another trial of one euploid embryo transfer. Twenty five of them will be be randomized to hysteroscopic repair before having embryo transfer. and 25 will go directly for embryo transfer. Clinical pregnancy rate is the primary outcome. Seconday outcomes are Complications following hysteroscopic CS scar repair, the need of aspiration of intrauterine fluid before embryo transfer, early pregnancy complications, Caesarean section scar dehiscence or rupture and live birth rate.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosed CS scar defect by TVUS
- At least one failed trial of euploid embryo transfer
- Planning for a trial of single euploid embryo transfer
Exclusion Criteria:
- Residual myometrial thickness less than 3 mm
- Any congenital uterine abnormalities.,
- Prescence of intrauterine lesions e.g. polyp, fibroid, Endometriosis or adenomyosis, Hydrosalpinx, Chronic endometritis, Previous CS scar defect repair.