
A Worldwide Cancer Registry Enrolling Participants Profiled With a Next-Generation Sequencing Test

18 years of age
Phase N/A

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WAYFIND-R is a registry that aims to capture high-quality real-world data linking next-generation sequencing, treatments and outcomes from cancer patients diagnosed with a solid tumour. The WAYFIND-R has three main overarching objectives: 1. To provide a platform to support the design and conduct of clinical and epidemiological research; 2. To develop an evidence-generation platform to better understand health outcomes and cancer care processes; and 3. To characterize the treatments and clinical course of solid tumor cancers in patients who have undergone NGS testing.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Participant is an adult (according to the age of majority as defined by local regulations)
  • Participant is currently diagnosed with any type of solid tumour cancer, at any stage of the disease, at the enrollment date (informed consent date)
  • Participant has undergone NGS testing, no longer than 3 months prior to the enrollment date, irrespective of the availability of test results
  • Informed consent has been obtained from the participant or legally authorized representative, as per local regulations

Exclusion Criteria:

-Participant has a prior or current diagnosis of haematological malignancy

Study details

Solid Tumours


Hoffmann-La Roche

26 June 2024

Step 1 Get in touch with the nearest study center
What happens next?
  • You can expect the study team to contact you via email or phone in the next few days.
  • Sign up as volunteer  to help accelerate the development of new treatments and to get notified about similar trials.

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Learn more about clinical trials

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a study designed to test specific interventions or treatments' effectiveness and safety, paving the way for new, innovative healthcare solutions.

Why should I take part in a clinical trial?

Participating in a clinical trial provides early access to potentially effective treatments and directly contributes to the healthcare advancements that benefit us all.

How long does a clinical trial take place?

The duration of clinical trials varies. Some trials last weeks, some years, depending on the phase and intention of the trial.

Do I get compensated for taking part in clinical trials?

Compensation varies per trial. Some offer payment or reimbursement for time and travel, while others may not.

How safe are clinical trials?

Clinical trials follow strict ethical guidelines and protocols to safeguard participants' health. They are closely monitored and safety reviewed regularly.
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