The purpose of this study is to better characterize and understand the population of patients with ambulatory or acutely decompensated heart failure in the American continent, getting to know their sociodemographic, clinical and paraclinical characteristics
An observational, prospective and multicenter study in which ambulatory patients with a confirmed diagnosis of heart failure and those admitted to the hospitalization service due to an episode of acutely decompensated heart failure will be invited to participate in order to better characterize this population
Participants who meet the eligibility criteria will be evaluated at the moment of recruitment. Follow-ups will be performed at 1, 6 and 12 months after the initial registry for hospitalized patients. For ambulatory patients follow-up will only be performed at 12 months. These initial evaluations and subsequents follow-ups will be carried out using a standardized form for the collection of hospital and outpatient data through an electronic platform
The purpose of this study is to know sociodemographic, clinical (clinical presentation, hemodynamic profiles, in-hospital and outpatient management, re-hospitalization rate, proportion of mortality, cumulative survival and heart failure readmission-free survival) and paraclinical characteristics of this population
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patient aged 18 years or older and one of the following:
- Hospitalized patient with admission diagnosis of acutely decompensated heart failure or
- Outpatient with confirmed diagnosis (main or complementary) of heart failure
Exclusion Criteria:
- Hospitalized patient with principal diagnosis of another cardiovascular / non-cardiovascular pathology and who develops an acute decompensation of heart failure during hospitalization.
- Patient on heart transplant waiting list
- Patient who has implanted or is in process of implanting a long-term ventricular assist device (eg, Heart Mate II, Heart Mate III) as a target therapy or bridge therapy to other therapies
- Patient in whom palliative management has been previously defined for his/her cardiac condition (i.e. Heart failure) or for another associated medical condition (cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc.)
- Patient who is discharged or referred to another institution within 48 hours of hospital stay
- Inability to comply with programmed follow-ups (telephone or in person) due to social, personal or other conditions considered by the principal investigator
- Life expectancy less than 6 months given a condition other than heart failure (Cancer, COPD, etc.)