Post-operative wound issues in abdominal surgery have a significant impact on patient outcomes. This study is taking place to investigate if Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) dressings reduces Surgical Site Infections, post surgical complications and improves scar appearance compared to standard dressings.
NPWT dressings are designed to remove and absorb any fluid leaking from the wound. This might reduce surgical site infections, improve wound healing and improve scar appearance compared to using standard dressings.
Data is limited in the application of NPWT dressings to laparotomy incisions in the acute and elective care surgery setting. Surgical site infections can complicate a patient's post-operative course significantly, often necessitating a longer length of stay, antibiotic therapy, intervention for wound collections and impair patient mobility and overall recovery.
In addition to this, laparotomy wound complications can possibly delay adjuvant therapy and also increases healthcare costs both as an inpatient and in the community. Despite significant measures to reduce such complications in the form of wound care bundles, changing of gloves prior to wound closure etc., surgical site complications continue to represent a huge healthcare burden.
The Investigators are conducting this study to determine whether NPWT dressings reduce surgical site infections, improve wound healing and scar appearance. This study will also involve a cost-based analysis and seek information from patients on their quality of life. Results from this study will provide evidence on whether these dressings should be used as standard of care for management of surgical laparotomy wounds.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Aged 18 years or older
- Patient requires visceral abdominal surgery via a midline laparotomy
- Patients who can complete questionnaires
Exclusion Criteria:
• Patients who are unable to adhere to protocol requirements